Bryan, Matilda - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bryan, Matilda

BRYAN, Matilda

1930 - 2020

Est décédée paisiblement lundi matin au CSSS Memphrémagog à l’âge de 89 ans.  Tillie laisse dans le deuil ses cinq enfants : Laura, Alton, feu Brian, Penny, Glenn, leur conjoint(e) ainsi que ses petits-enfants et arrière-petits-enfants.   Tous ceux qui l’ont connue peuvent témoigner qu’elle était une personne aimante, attentionnée, d’une bonté rare et surtout fidèle à elle-même et authentique.

La famille vous accueillera à la Résidence funéraire Cass, 900, rue Clough, Ayer’s Cliff, QC, J0B 1C0, le dimanche 9 février 2020 de 12 h à 15 h.  Une cérémonie privée suivra.

Au lieu de fleurs, des dons peuvent-être envoyer au CAB Rediker Stanstead, Église Beulah d’Ayer’s Cliff, (deux causes qu’elle tenait à cœur) ou à l’organisme de votre choix.


10 messages reçus

The Dezan family

My sympathies to all the family She was an exceptional woman she will be miss by our community

Dorothee Gagnon , le 5 février 2020

The Dezan family

My deepest sympathy. A kind and gentle soul. I loved her beautiful smile.xo

Trudy Stuart, le 5 février 2020

Dezan Family

So sorry to hear of the passing of your mom !
She was a very beautiful person. I have the fondest memories of her
So sorry for your loss
She will be missed by many

Penny Dustin , le 5 février 2020

The family of Tillie Dezan

Cannot tell you how much I have appreciated Aunt Tillie through the years. Such a beautiful gracious lady. My thoughts are with you all. Sending prayers your way.

Lorraine Mosher Parise, le 5 février 2020


Tillie was a true lady. Always a smile and a kind word for everyone.
My sympathies to her entire family.

Winnie Mosher, le 5 février 2020

Laura and Penny

My condolences. I am so sorry for your loss. I only met your mom a few times but she was very sweet. All the best.

Debbie (Crook) Hudon, le 5 février 2020

The family

Always had a smile and took an interest into what other's were up to. Was active walking whenever possible. My condolences to the family

Jeff schoolcraft, le 6 février 2020

All Family Members of Tillie

My deepest sympathies in the passing of Tillie. I met her thru Ethel Bryan when I would bring her up to visit. I loved joking with her and having lunch with the both of them. I will keep you all in my prayers, God bless you all.

Glenn Blazys , le 7 février 2020

The Dezan Family.

Our deepest sympathy to the Dezan Family.Our thoughts are with you all.

Larry and Lorrayne (Roger ) Markwell. Stanstead.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, le 7 février 2020


A wonderful woman. Don't know how she put up with those boys and their yahoo friends all those teen years. Last saw Tillie at the Ayer's Cliff (Stanstead County) Fair about 10 years ago. Told her she had not changed in 30 years and she looked at me with that beautiful smile she always seemed to wear and said "Bobby Fisher. You're still a good liar!" Thing was, those words were the truth. She didn't seem to age.
Could never find anything but wonderful words for her.
My deepest sympathies to you all. Every person in the world should be fortunate enough to have a Tillie Dezan cross their paths. They will be better people for it.

Robert Fisher, le 11 février 2020

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