Salvas, Maxime - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Salvas, Maxime

SALVAS, Maxime

1921 - 2024

Salvas, Dr. Maxime J.F.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Maxime Salvas. He passed away at the Veterans Hospital in Ste. Anne de Bellevue on Sunday, May 5, 2024, in his 103rd year.

He was predeceased by his loving wife of 60 years Marjorie Witham and his younger brother Yves.

He is survived by his children Peter and Dorothy; his grandchildren Victoria (Keith), Antonia (Lenny), Max, Matthew and Shannon; great grandchildren Simone and Enza.

He was a graduate of McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry and practiced for 40 years in Sherbrooke.

He belonged to many community groups through the years. He had many hobbies and interests. He enjoyed doing stain glasswork, woodwork and detailed carvings. He loved the Eastern Townships, his profession and a good laugh. Many a time he would rush into the house to tell Marjorie a joke before he forgot the punch line.

A family Burial Service will be held on June 8 at the Malvern Cemetery.

Donations in his memory may be made to The Montreal Shriners Hospital, Malvern Cemetery, or The Wales Home.

7 messages reçus

Peter Salvas

Hi Peter, it’s been many years since we have crossed paths, my Deepest Sympathies to you and Family. Sat in your Dad's Dentist Chair many times and will always remember our times together on Hunting and Fishing Excursions.

Ross Winslow, le 17 mai 2024

Peter & Family

So sorry to hear. Max was such a wonderful part of our lives in so many ways. Our townships community is suffering a huge loss. Remembering the great conversations with our mouths wide open. Never a dull moment. RIP Max

David & Helga Price, le 17 mai 2024

The Family

He was my dentist for 40 years. Still have some fillings! Thanks to a good dentist, Max.
Malcolm Juby

Malcolm Juby , le 18 mai 2024


My sincerest sympathies to Peter and Dorothy and all their families at this time.
Robert Richardson - 27 Clough St.

Robert Richardson, le 18 mai 2024


Sad to hear of your loss.

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Leo and marilyn, le 18 mai 2024

Peter, Dorothy and families

Your dad was such an awesome guy. What a life he lived! My father considered him a very close friend and he talked so fondly of him. Thank goodness we have our memories to hold onto. May he find eternal peace, and may you and your families find comfort in remembering your times together.

Kathy Fidler-Cook, le 20 mai 2024

Peter and Dorothy

Our sincere sympathies on the passing of your father at the remarkable age of 103. Your parents were good friends with my parents (Wyatt and Louise Savage) for many years. I have fond memories of discussing favourite books and authors with your Mom and of your Dad fishing with my father at our little cottage in Hatley Acres, North Hatley. Your parents were very proud of both of you and your families and accomplishments. I also remember seeing fun photos of our parents together in Myrtle Beach. Your Dad was also my childhood dentist. Cherish all the wonderful memories.

Lynda Bell, le 21 mai 2024

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