Watson, Melvin - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Watson, Melvin

WATSON, Melvin

1939 - 2020

Mr Melvin Watson of Ayer's Cliff passed away at the CHUS-Hôtel Dieu in Sherbrooke on October 23, 2020 at the age of 81. Son of the late Ruby de Grouchy Watson and the late Howard Watson. He leaves to mourn his children Melanie and Jamie (Lea-Anne), his grandchildren Evan and Erica and his sister Daintry.  He will be missed by all.

Funeral services to be held at a later date when family and friends can gather safely.

9 messages reçus

Mary Lou Gustin


Mary Lou Gustin, le 30 octobre 2020

Jamie, Lea-Anne & family:

Our sincerest condolences to the whole family. Mel was a character who always knew how to get my goat. It was hard to get the last word in!
Eric & Diane Smith

Diane Smith, le 30 octobre 2020


My sympathies.
Mel was one of the great story tellers ! He had a passion for his horses and dogs.
Rest In Peace, Mel you’ve earned it.

Nancy Coté , le 30 octobre 2020

Jamie and Melanie

Charlotte and I share your grief. I used to so much enjoy talking with your Dad. He was no fool, knew a lot things, and had great stories to tell. Each time he repeated them, they were always identical, which means they were truthful. Charlotte felt that of all the people she met in Ayers Cliff, he was the first person to make her feel welcome. This means so much to her. Please let us know about the funeral arrangements as we wish to participate.

Norman Benoit & Charlotte Caron, le 1 novembre 2020


Our sympathies to you and your family on the passing of your father.

Delbert and Christina Smith, le 2 novembre 2020

Jamie Watson & family

We are so sorry for the loss of your Dad. He will always be remembered for all those stories he could tell so well.
Our deepest sympathy to you and all your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you
at this sad time.

Roy Sylvester & Linda Deacon

Linda Deacon & Roy Sylvester , le 4 novembre 2020

Jamie Watson and family

Genevieve and myself offer you our condoleances for the lost of your dad.
We appreciated the time he was our neighbour...
Miss the big men with is red boots!!!!
Paul and Genevieve

Genevieve Guertin, le 6 novembre 2020


My sympathy to you in the loss of your father.

Muriel Martin, le 11 novembre 2020

Mélanie and James and family

Our sincere sympathies
Your father was a Nice man
One day, he saved one of our cow

Gérard and Lisette Carbonneau, le 12 novembre 2020

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