Rick, Miriam Ellison - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Rick, Miriam Ellison

RICK, Miriam Ellison

1927 - 2019

In Brockville, Ontario on Friday, August 9, 2019 in her 92nd year.  Dear wife of the late William Sadler Rick.  Proud mother of Wilma (Gar Grainger) of Dorval, PQ, Janet (Dr. Denis Vaillancourt) of Brome, PQ, Norma (Brian Lockwood, CA) of Uxbridge, ON, Allen (died accidentally in 1971), John (Barbara Bergeron, CA) of Kanata, ON, Anne (John Taylor) of Brockville, ON, Jill of Wakefield, PQ and Richard Tent-Rick.  Survived by her dear sister and brother-in-law Eleanor and Maleck Besmargin of Danville, PQ, their daughters Julie (Dean Leeder) of Port Perry, ON, Joanne (Michael Taylor) of St. Felix-de-Kingsey, PQ, 19 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren and extended family.  

Memorial service to take place on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Trinity United Church, Danville, Quebec followed by a reception in the church hall.

1 message reçu

Family of Mrs. Miriam Rick

My sympathy to your family.
I enjoyed knowing your mother. We worked together in the guiding movement.
My children were friends with John (and Barbara)
Sorry I was unable to see you all at the memorial service.

Jean Storry, le 16 octobre 2019

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