Margaret Ferne, Murray - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Margaret Ferne, Murray



At Sherbrooke, QC on January 16, 2022 Margaret Ferne Murray. Beloved daughter of the late John Duncan Murray and his wife Katie MacLeod.

Predeceased by her sisters Pearl and Geneva and her brothers Dan Paul, Malcolm and William.

Left to mourn her loss is her niece Carol Murray Perks (Alan), her nephews Barry Murray (Barbara), Brian Murray (Monique) and their families. Also missing her are Kelly Ahern, Shea and Faith Murray, Darlene Kerr and family, her St. Andrew’s family and many cherished and devoted friends.

According to current Covid restrictions, a private funeral service will be held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 256 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, on Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 11:00 am. Interment will be at Lingwick Cemetery in the spring.

Memorial donations may be made to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, The Word of Grace Radio Broadcast or to the charity of your choice.

4 messages reçus

Carol Perks, Barry Murray, Brian Murray

We are sorry for your loss. Ferne was an amazing lady. A woman of principles and conviction. My mother and I have wonderful memories of her and her kindess.

Heather & Sheila Murray, le 25 janvier 2022

To all of Ferns family

We are very sorry at Ferns passing , a very special lady , she will be missed !!

Kelly + Linda Ross , le 30 janvier 2022

To Ferne's Family and her many friends

Ferne always had a warm and ready smile. She was a most gracious and generous Lady who left a positive and lasting impression on all she met. Those who knew Ferne have many fond memories of her. She will be missed.

Sheila Andrews, le 3 février 2022

Family and Friends

I Just heard of Ferne's passing. She was truly a great lady with a kind and encouraging word for everyone. My Sympathies to the family and friends. Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His godly ones.

Randy Johnston, le 23 février 2022

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