Noel, Norman - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Noel, Norman

NOEL, Norman

1927 - 2025

It is with great sadness that the family of Norman Noel announces his passing on January 23, 2025, at the Wales Home. 

Left to mourn is his wife Rita after 70 wonderful years of marriage; his 4 children, Linda (John), Carmen (Steve), Carol (Mike), and Donna (Bill); his 5 grandchildren, Ryan (Pascale), Virginia (Ian), Noel (Emily), Colin (Jenna), and Elise (Prayag); and his 2 great-grandchildren, Ciaran and Levi. 

There will be a private family funeral in the spring. 

The family wishes to extend their sincere appreciation to the staff of Norton One at the Wales Home for their kindness and devotion. 

In his memory, donation to the MS Society of Canada would be appreciated.  

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