Perron, Oswald Arthur - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Perron, Oswald Arthur

PERRON, Oswald Arthur

1924 - 2021

C’est avec immense chagrin que nous annonçons le décès de notre père, grand-père et arrière-grand-père dans la soirée du 25 avril au Village Grace, Sherbrooke, QC. Il était le fils de feu Benjamin Perron et de feu Éliza Blouin et l’époux de Florence Blouin pendant 64 ans avant son décès le 1er janvier 2018. Il manquera énormément à ses huit enfants : Gabrielle (Douglas Newman), Suzanne (Brian Fitzpatrick), Madeleine (Donald Kelly), Marthe (William Clark), Jacques (Ann Davidson), Diane, Pierre (Annie Demers) et Maryse. Il était le grand-père de 10 petits-enfants: Kevin (Stacey Dunn) et Lisa (Marc Brennan) Fitzpatrick, Caroline, Angela et Dr. Alex (Émilie Brunet) Kelly et Philip, Ellen, Kathryn, Émilie et Benjamin Perron. Il était l’arrière-grand-père de Jade and Brock Brennan et Olivin Kelly. Il laisse dans le deuil son frère, Jules (Irma) et ses soeurs Alice Hall et Liliane Verhoef ainsi que ses belles-soeurs et ses beaux-frères de la famille Blouin: Lucien, Georges, Peggy, Rachel (Harold Willey), Raymond (Carole Robideux) et de nombreux parents et amis.

Afin de respecter toutes les mesures sanitaires dues à la Covid-19, les visites au salon funéraire et le service funéraire seront privés.

Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par des dons au Village Grace, 1515, rue Pleasant View, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0C6.

10 messages reçus


Mes sympathies Diane. Je sais que tu aimais énormément tes parents.
Johanne Labonté

Johanne Labonté, le 30 avril 2021

Gaby et Diane

Je vous transmet mes plus sincères sympathies à vous et vos proches

Linda Perron, le 30 avril 2021

Pierre and family

So sorry to hear of you father passing. Hope you and your family are doing well. Thinking of u at this difficult time.

Lisa Fowler, le 30 avril 2021

Douglass Newman and Gabrielle Perron

My deepest sympathies to Douglass and Gabrielle Newman and the family.

Joyce Murray , le 30 avril 2021

The Perron Family

Sorry tp hear of your father's passing. My condolences and prayers are with the family at this time.

Wayne Mellish, le 30 avril 2021

The Perron Family

Our condolences to the Family. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all at this difficult time.

Dale & Jane Carson, le 30 avril 2021

Douglass Newman and Gabrielle Perron

Our deepest sympathies to Douglass and Gabrielle Newman and the family. Sorry to hear of your fathers passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.

Wilton & Wanda (Mastine ) Moreland, le 1 mai 2021

The Family

Our deepest condolences. We are thinking of you all during this difficult time !

Raymond & Marian Vidal , le 3 mai 2021

Gabrielle & Doug Newman

So sorry to hear. Please accept our deepest condolences.

David & Helga Price, le 3 mai 2021

The Family of Monsieur Perron

Dear Gabby and Family, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I have walked by your home and beautiful garden a few times with my dog, hoping to see you by chance and tell you these words--so I'll put them here. I saw the love and care you and your family had for your father, attending to even the smallest detail so he would be comfortable and secure. He was always kind, always thanked us and conversed when we were there to assist him. I enjoyed getting to know you both but most of all, to see abundance of love always flowing. Though he is gone and I know you all miss him dearly, I believe he died a happy man, knowing how loved he was. Please take comfort in this and knowing that "They that love God will never meet for the last time." Heaven holds many treasures and joys we don't think about here on earth. Imagine his happiness when he saw your Mom again! And his ability to move, walk and dance all restored back. And his arms will be wide open for all his family when you come one day. I'm sure he'll be watching over all of you along with your Mother.

My prayers are with you all.

Judith Caregiver at Grace

Judith, le 29 juin 2021

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