11 messages reçus
Mes sympathies Tina à toi, tes filles et à ta toute ta famille.
Diane Beaulieu, le 21 octobre 2023
Tina et Joey
Mes plus sincères sympathies à vous 2.
Patrice , le 21 octobre 2023
Mes sympathies à toi et toute ta famille
Luc Labrie , le 21 octobre 2023
Tina Blanchet
Mes sympathies à toi Tina , tes deux filles et toutes ta famille

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Guy Leblanc, le 21 octobre 2023
Watkins and fam
Sorry to learn of Patsy's passing. My thoughts are with the families. May your memory be a comfort at this time.
Frances Wygodansky, le 25 octobre 2023
Patsy Watkins
My deepest condolences to the family
Sandra Wygodansky, le 25 octobre 2023
Tina and family
I am so very sorry to hear of Patsy’s passing. Please accept my sincerest sympathies. My thoughts are with you.
Pamela Wygodansky, le 25 octobre 2023
Watkins Family
I was saddened to hear of Patsy’s death. Through our childhood and teenage years, we were classmates so I have many memories of good times spent together. I knew she had been ill for many years and now wish her to rest in peace. My sincere sympathies to all my cousins and families.
Anne Wygodansky Vautrin , le 26 octobre 2023
Patsy's family
I got to know Patsy while she roomed with my husband's aunt at the home. She told me about all the pictures on her wall....who everyone was...she was proud of every one. Sympathies to all and hope she is at peace.
Barbara Gifford, le 28 octobre 2023
My deepest sympathies to her children and her sister and brother
Patsy and I we’re friends from our school years at Drummondville high
We shared the same birthday together. I hope that she is in a better place free of pain and sadness

Un arbre est planté
à la mémoire du défunt
Bruce Conway , le 30 octobre 2023
A vous deux et aux filles, nous desirons vous temoignerl toute nos sympathies. Nous gardons un bien beau souvenir de Patsy.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Ginette simoneau, le 31 octobre 2023