Stone Dit Lapierre Bampton, Pauline Françoise - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Stone Dit Lapierre Bampton, Pauline Françoise


1930 - 2024

April 9, 2024 we lost the Queen of our family, Pauline Francoise Stone dit Lapierre Bampton. 

She taught us to be independent and strong, to be honest, to be true to ourselves, to be kind to others and to take no sass. Thank you Mom for all that you gave, all that you were and all that you helped us become. 

Much loved and respected wife of 62 years to the late Elburn (Sarge) Bampton.

Adored Mother of Joseph Paul (Jeanie), Andrea (David) and special Aunt to "the other kid" Barb (late Isabelle). 

Grandma to Jeff (Julie) & Joel Bampton, Casey (Lily) & Shawn (Dawn) Billing. Great Grandma to Brody, Jaida & Owen Bampton, Darcie & Florianne Billing. 

Thank you to all the staff at The Wales Home for the outstanding care provided to Mom over the past few years. Your caring, compassion and professionalism were greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. 

At Pauline’s request, there is no funeral or visitation. 

10 messages reçus

Family of Pauline Bampton

Pauline or Grandma as you liked to call yourself to me. I will dearly miss your loving pats and the on going teasing with the Ball we had together. Let the good times roll.
RIP Pauline
Abby and Pat

Pat Everett, le 11 avril 2024

toute la famille Bampton

Mes sympathies à toute la famille

suzanne nault(soin de pieds ), le 11 avril 2024

Jean et Jo Paul ainsi qu'à la famille

Mes sympathies à vous tous

poirier poirier, le 12 avril 2024

Pauline Bampton

Thank You Pauline and Sarge for the endless research you both did on British Home Children.
You helped us to find our lost families and both of you will never be forgotten.

George Henry Addis, le 12 avril 2024

Andrea and family

I just read that Pauline has passed away. Sending along a little note to extend my condolences and how much I enjoyed Pauline. Her dry sense of humor and love for life in her special way.
Thinking of you all.
Hugs, Carol Ann xx

Carol Ann McElrea, le 12 avril 2024

Annie and family

My most sincere condolences on the loss of your mom. I hope your memories of her give you comfort during this sad time.

Joanne Saurette, le 15 avril 2024

Andrea, Joe Paul and Family

Our deepest condolences in your loss, we always enjoyed our time spent with her & your Dad. Dale enjoyed helping with their odd jobs. I enjoyed the time spent with your Mum visiting her at the Home. May she Rest in Peace.
Jane & Dale

Jane & Dale Carson, le 15 avril 2024

Family and friends

Brenda and Allan Blais like to send are deepest condolences to all the family and friends ️

Allan and Brenda , le 16 avril 2024

Joe, Andrea, Barbara and her dear grandchildren and great grand children….

My deepest sympathies. Pauline has always been a very special person in my life. Such good memories I will cherish of our banking years together and also after. Such a wonderful and special lady I was given to be friends with. RIP Pauline! Love you always and forever.

Joanne Brochu, le 18 avril 2024

Joe Paul & Jeanie, Andrea & David and Families

Thinking of your Family with Sympathy.
Wishing you the comfort of precious memories.

Jos & Sandy Johnston Schroeders, le 14 mai 2024

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