Burczyk, Phyllis - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Burczyk, Phyllis

BURCZYK, Phyllis

1935 - 2019

Passed away peacefully at the Grace Village on Monday July 1, 2019 at the age of 84.

Beloved wife of the late Karl Burczyk, cherished mother of Deborah, Wendy, and Katherine, and loving grandmother of Noah.

As per Phyllis' wishes, a private graveside service has taken place.

Donations to the Alzheimer's Society of Canada are welcome.

1 message reçu

The family of Phyllis Blurcyk

Dear Family of Phyllis, My name is Judith. I am so sorry for the loss of dear Phyllis, your mother and grandmother.
I assisted in her care at Grace Village for about 7 months. She was a dear sweet woman and I enjoyed getting to know her. I had the privilege of caring for her during her last days, conversed with, sang to and sat with her. I will remember her. I wish your all courage, strength and fortitude during this time as well as peace. My prayers are with you. As is quoted, "they that love God, shall never meet for the last time." God bless and keep you all,


Judith, le 5 août 2019

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