Woods, Randy Albert - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Woods, Randy Albert

WOODS, Randy Albert

1957 - 2021

Randy Albert WOODS


Randy passed away at his home on Melbourne Ridge on December 28, 2021.  He had many illnesses during his 64 years and his family now takes comfort that he is dwelling in his heavenly home.

Randy was born February 23, 1957.  He grew up at his home on the Ridge enjoying the country life -playing hockey on the pond with his siblings, sledding, fishing, bike riding and playing baseball in the backyard.  He graduated from Richmond Regional High School Class of 1975, where he had many close friends.  That is also where he picked up the nickname Mouse.  He spent summers driving haul trucks at the Asbestos mine.  Also, he worked at the Vieux Clocher in Kingsbury then later moved to Montreal to work at the Montreal Association for the Blind as a security guard.

Randy was a kind and gentle man who saw the good in everyone.  He cared deeply for his family.  He helped Dad with many projects including maintaining several cemeteries in the area.  With love and patience, he took care of Mom in her later years.  Anyone who knew him would agree that he had a witty sense of humor and could always make you laugh!  Being an avid reader, Randy loved getting lost in a good book.  Other favorite pastimes were making puzzles, board games, gardening and being challenged to a competitive game of cribbage.  He also enjoyed the company of his pets.

Gone before him are his father Raymond Woods and his mother and best friend Elsie Booth Woods.  Randy will be greatly missed by his two brothers Brian and Larry (Linda), his two sisters Donna (Kurt) and Kimberley (Chris), a niece Alyssa (Robert), two nephews Chad (Melissa) and Tom (Jessica), great-niece Emily, great-nephews Nathaniel and Connor and good friend Sylvia Pike.

5 messages reçus

Brian, Larry, Donna and Kim

Our deepest sympathies. Thinking of all of you at this sad time.

Karen and Mark, le 3 janvier 2022

to the Woods family

Derrill and I would like to extended our deepest condolences for the lost of your dear brother Randy , may his soul rest in peace.

Suzy & Derrill Smith, le 4 janvier 2022

The Woods family

Sincere sympathy to you all for your loss.

Jean Storry, le 4 janvier 2022

Woods family

My sincere sympathies to you all, I have many memories of great times with Randy (mouse) over the years! Gone too soon
Hugs ❤️❤️

Val Fowler , le 5 janvier 2022

All the family

Sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all at this difficult time. Randy was a great person. God bless.

Lisa fowler, le 6 janvier 2022

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