Goodsell, Roger George - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Goodsell, Roger George

GOODSELL, Roger George

1937 - 2023

Cher époux de Nicole Gosselin, de Stanstead, il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Gerry (Nicole), Marcus (Natacha) et Sabrina (Danny), ses petits-enfants Isaiah, Rae, Shayde, Deakon et Jaiah. Il laisse également plusieurs autres parents et amis.

Une cérémonie privée aura lieu ultérieurement.

La famille tient à remercier toutes les personnes qui ont tendu la main et fait preuve de compassion.

La famille de Roger apprécie tout.

11 messages reçus

Nicole and family

Our deepest sympathy to Nicole and family. We have spent some wonderful times with Roger Nicole and the family and will cherish these memories. Roger was a kind and thoughtful man and will be missed by many.

Keith & Luce Leney, le 24 novembre 2023

Jerry and family

Our sympathy in the loss of your Dad, Husband, and Grandfather. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Murray and Barb Ward, le 24 novembre 2023

To the familly Goodsell.

So sorry for your lost ,deepest sympathies.

Georges & Marcelle Goudreau. , le 24 novembre 2023

Nicole and family

My deepest sympathy for your loss of a love one.

Helen Achilles Belanger, le 25 novembre 2023

The Goodsell Family

We extend our deepest sympathies.

Michel and Dallas Dessaint, le 25 novembre 2023

The Family

We extend our sympathy to the family. May the memories you hold in your hearts help you through this time of grief.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, le 25 novembre 2023

Nicole and family

My sincere sympathy to you all. Thinking of you. Elizabeth Schoolcraft

Elizabeth Schoolcraft , le 29 novembre 2023

Nicole and Family

My deepest sympathy Nicole to you and your wonderful family.

Roger was an exceptional person in so many ways, and I will never forget the many fabulous times that we all spent together, back in the late 80's and early 90's.

He will be remembered forever, and forever missed.

Un arbre est planté
à la mémoire du défunt
David Fraser, le 6 décembre 2023

To the Family

My symphaty to Little Roger Family

I had good memories of Roger he was my coach when playing midget hockey in the mid 60'S and teamate at softball in the mis 80's . Saw him on the drag strip with that Catalina Pontiac.
Thanks for those good memories Roger.

Clement Jacques

Clement Jacques , le 6 décembre 2023

Mike, Russel, Donald and the rest of the Goodsell Clan

I just found out about the passing of Roger. I mostly remember Roger for his fast cars, his bands playing at the Rock Cliff and thr Del and coaching me in minor hockey. Roger wa a great guy who was part of the generation that included Ronnie and my cousin Pierce. They just don't make them like that anymore. Rest in peace Roger.

Steve Farrow. , le 25 décembre 2023

Nicole, and family

So sorry to hear this.. I just heard this sad news, Roger was the kindest and most caring
person to me. Rest in peace Roger.

Brigitte Mangin, le 30 janvier 2024

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