13 messages reçus
The Family
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family during this very difficult time.
Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, le 31 mars 2022
Linda and Brenda
Del and I are thinking of you at this sad time. Roger with always be with you in your memories
Delbert and Christina Smith, le 31 mars 2022
Carol and the family
All our deepest sympathy in this very difficult time. Our thoughts are with you all.
John and Andree
Andree Scholes, le 1 avril 2022
Carol and all the family
Expressing deepest sympathy to you Carol and all Roger's family. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Really enjoyed working with Roger all those years at the Sherbrooke Hospital.
Brenda Smeltzer, le 1 avril 2022
carol kingsley
I remember Roger from the hospital. he was always so kind to the patients. my sympathy.
linda macleod, le 1 avril 2022
To our ( your S.H. family ) dear friend, Carol. My heart is saddened for you on the loss of Roger, (also our dear friend ). I pause and smile, remembering all of the unforgettable good times together. He was such a good man who did excellent work and took time with the patients and helpful to his colleagues and friends. Deepest sympathies to the Turner and Kingsley families. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Lauraine. XX
Lauraine Denis, le 1 avril 2022
carol and all the family members.
Our deepest sympathy to all especially Carol.We have known and worked together for many years at the Sherbrooke Hospital. Had some good times and some bad. Sorry to see so many passing on
Judy & Stewart Arbery, le 3 avril 2022
Carol and Family.
I am sorry for your loss. Stay strong and let your Family help you through this loss. Hugs and prayers from your cousin.
Sally Matthew, le 3 avril 2022
You have my deepest sympathies with the loosing of Roger.
This was unexpected.
David Hatch, le 4 avril 2022
Our deepest sympathy
So sorry for your loss.
Larry and Faye Dougherty, le 4 avril 2022
So sorry for your loss , Carol. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. So many fond memories of both of you at Sherbrooke Hospital.
kathryn Cloutier, le 4 avril 2022
My deepest thoughts,prayers and condolences are with you.
Solange and Vincent Simard , le 7 avril 2022
Sorry this is late, but I send my sympathy and lots of hugs. Lots of memories of working with Roger at the hospital.
Brenda Bailey, le 6 mai 2022