Kerr, Ronald - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Kerr, Ronald

KERR, Ronald

1931 - 2019

Au Grace Village de Huntingville, le 7 avril 2019 à l'âge de 88 ans est décédé paisiblement M. Ronald Kerr. 

Époux de Jean (Goodhue) Kerr, père bien-aimé de Terry (Manon Fortin), Brian (Maryse Fortin), Ronnie (Maryse Brault) et James (Danika Plouffe) et cher frère de Jean Todd, Helen Matthews et Irene Morrow. Il était le grand-père adoré de David, feu Christopher, Jonathan, Tania, Karine, Sarah, Tommy, Emilliam et Emeric ainsi que l'arrière-grand-père de Jayden et Lily.  

Les visites auront lieu à la Résidence funéraire Cass, 3006, rue College, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), le vendredi 19 avril 2019 de 14 h à 16 h et à la chapelle Saint-Marc (Université Bishop’s) le samedi 20 avril 2019 de 13 h à 14 h, suivi d'une célébration de la vie à 14 h par la révérende Heather Thomson. Une inhumation privée aura lieu à une date ultérieure.  

La famille tient à remercier tout le personnel du Grace Village pour les bons soins prodigués à Ronald.  

Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à la Fondation Parkinson du Canada ou au Grace Village seraient appréciés.

30 messages reçus

Jean and Family

My deepest sympathy to the Kerr family and friends.
May you find comfort in the knowledge that Ron is pain free and resting in peace.

Leona Hodge, le 11 avril 2019

all the family

sorry for your loss my greatest condolences

april walker, le 11 avril 2019

Jean Kerr

Our sympathy to you & your family

garth & Marian Mackay, le 11 avril 2019

La Famille

Un court message pour vous offrir notre plus sincère sympathie pour le décès de Ronald -

Mario & moi l'avons beaucoup aimé et ce fût un privilère de le côtoyer.

Sommes de tout coeur avec vous - soyez assurés de ma prière pour le repos de son âme et pour que chacun de vous ayez les forces pour traverser cette épreuve XX

Madeleine & Mario XX

Madeleine Gobeil, le 11 avril 2019

Jean and families

Our Sincere Sympathy to you and all the family.

Collin, Karen & Travis Laberee, le 11 avril 2019

His families

My sympathy for your loss.Ronnie will long be remembered. May he rest in peace .

Murray Bennett, le 11 avril 2019


My deepest condolences to the family. My Dad enjoyed hunting with him. My thoughts are with you.

Trishia Walker, le 11 avril 2019

Mrs .Kerr & Family

Our deepest sympathy from the Martin family .

Jeremy Martin, le 11 avril 2019

Jean and Family

We send our sympathies to you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

Carolyn, Dallas, and Melanie Campbell, le 11 avril 2019

The Kerr family,

Our condolences to everyone. Mr. Kerr fought a long hard battle now it is his turn to rest, but he will be watching over his loved ones from a good place.

Terrilee Maguire, le 11 avril 2019

The Kerr family

I was a caregiver for your dear Ron, and I just wanted to say he was the most amazing man I’ve ever had the pleasure of taking care of. I haven’t been working at Grace for very long but the days that I’d worked were always a hoot with him. Every supper Id sing Johnny Cash to him and he’d have the most beautiful smile on his face. He was a kind and gentle loving man who never failed to put a smile on my face. I mean it in the most sincere way when I say I know Ron is someone I will never forget.
To the most beautiful man I’ve had the pleasure of knowing, rest in paradise Ron

Jade Vermette, le 11 avril 2019

To the Kerr family

Sincere condoléances to the family.
Simone & Richard Vallee

Richard Vallee, le 11 avril 2019

Jean and family

Deepest sympathy from the Rainville / French families. Many fond memories growing up around Ronny.

Carol French-Rainville David and family, le 11 avril 2019

Jean and family

We are sending our deepest sympathy to my dear Aunt Jean and cousins. Sorry for your loss. Uncle Ronald was a very sweet and kind man. He will be remembered.

Kathy and Barry Stone April 11 2019, le 11 avril 2019

Jean,Terry,Brian,Ronnie and Jamie

So very very sorry to hear about Ronnie. It’s hard to put into words how very important he was to our family. What an amazing man! He will be missed ! I do believe that he and dad (Ross) are together and taking care of each other. Thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time.

Trudy Bellam, le 11 avril 2019

Jean and family

Our sympathy to your family,

Murray and Barb Ward and family, le 11 avril 2019

Ronnie’s family

Ronnie always had a smile for me; and I for him. Just two weeks ago we had our last dance together. More me dancing and singing and him laughing at me but those memories I will carry with me. May he Rest In Peace And May you his family know that his smile touched lives. It was an honour to care for him.

Corinne Bobbitt , le 11 avril 2019

Terry et Manon Kerr

Toute mes condoléance à la famille

Diane Diane Leclair, le 12 avril 2019


Our thoughts are with you all.

Nos pensées vous accompagnent.

Yvonne Boutin
Robert Redden

yb, le 12 avril 2019

James Kerr

Je partage votre chagrin mes sympathie.

Roland Harvey

Roland Harvey, le 13 avril 2019

famille KEER

I won't be able to be at the funeral, Iwill be in the hospital for my spine opération but I send you my deepest sympathy to the hole KEER family the lost of your father RON
Michel Codère

michel codère, le 13 avril 2019

Jean and family

Our sympathy to you and your family

Steve and Debbie Stickles, le 13 avril 2019

The Kerr Family

Our condolences, our thoughts are with you.

Tracey and Tammy Lloyd , le 13 avril 2019

All family

My deepest sympathie xx

Lise Menard, le 14 avril 2019

Mrs.Kerr and family

Mr.Kerr was blessed with a wonderful,caring family.
He will be missed at Grace.
Thinking of you and offering my deepest sympathies.

Angela Nutbrown, le 16 avril 2019

The amazing Kerr Familly

The short period of time I was lucky to know Ron was amazing. He was a kind and blessing soul to be around. Seeing the love he had for his family was remarkable. Hearing him share his hunting stories and knowledge of hunting gave me great joy. I am grateful for giving me the opportunity to hunt with them and learn so much from the Kerr family. Blessed to be part of the family and knowing how he will so greatly be remembered and honored. Little moments will be remembered.
My deepest sympathy

Kylee Martin, le 16 avril 2019

The Kerr family

My deepest condolences for your loss.

Dean Goodhue, le 16 avril 2019

Ron Kerr

I have profound memories of Ronnie, a caring and compassionate man. His knowledge of the woods and hunting techniques was unparalleled. What was so amazing about him was his natural ability to share that knowledge with so many of my generation. We became better individuals because of our association with him. I extend Lesley’s and my condolences to the Kerr family.

Gary and Lesley Connor

Gary Connor, le 19 avril 2019

Jean & Family

Our deepest sympathies to your family. Ian and Edie McBurney and family

Ian & Edie McBurney & family, le 19 avril 2019

Toute la famille et amie

Mes plus sincère sympathie

Michelle Leroux , le 20 avril 2019

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