Bronson, Sharon - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bronson, Sharon


1960 - 2023

It is with heavy hearts, that we announce the passing of Sharon Bronson, on January 8 2023, at the Montréal Sacré-Coeur Hospital, at the age of 62. 

Daughter of the late Printtess George Bronson & the late Julia Keeble

Loving Mother of Billy (Crystal), Wilford Jr. (Maryse), Mary-Ann & the late Steven

Proud grandmother of Ethan, Shawn, Anais, Kevin, Naomi, Catherine, Isabelle & Miranda 

Sister of Debbie & Earl (Céline) & the late Roger, Helen, Kathleen & Elgene

She also leaves behind her nieces & nephews & the father of her children Wilford

'Always loved, Never Forgotten, Forever Missed'

-May you rest in peace

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