9 messages reçus
Famille de M. Stanley Mac Donald
Nous vous offrons toutes nos sympathies à l’occasion de ce départ subi. Nous sommes sensibles à votre douleur. Nous avions rencontré M. Stanley, lors des funérailles de Mme Benita. C’était un chic type qui avait une grande capacité d’accueil. Nous sommes très peinés pour vous tous.
Beaux-parents de Kevin Norris: Rita Gagné et Jean-Noël Rousseau., le 27 mai 2021
Famille de M. Stanley MacDonald
Je me souviens très bien de M. MacDonald, il venait ouvrir l’entrée l’hiver avec son gros tracteur bleu
chez ma mère Louise LaBonté. IL était bien sympathique et toujours souriant.
Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille
Micheline LaBonté et Laurent Rompré

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Micheline LaBonté, le 27 mai 2021
Famille de M. Stanley MacDonald
Nos plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de monsieur Mac Donald. Nos enfants en nous même auront toujours en mémoire sa gentillesse, sa patience et son sourire espiègle lorsqu’il prenait le temps de faire une montagne de neige en ouvrant notre cour l’hiver , pour permettre à nos enfants des heures de plaisir à glisser ! Au son du tracteur de monsieur MacDonald, nos quatre enfants accouraient pour le regarder par la fenêtre. Que de beaux souvenirs! Merci monsieur MacDonald!
Martine Bureau, Michel Poirier et famille , le 28 mai 2021
Eldon and Janet & Family
So sorry to hear of Stan's passing.
We always enjoyed his friendship at church. He had an upbeat personality.
Pam & Pauline Goodenough, le 30 mai 2021
To all the family,
Stan was such a generous neighbour. What memorable times to see the giant pumpkins growing and tipping the scale even more when my children sat on them. Everyone would laugh and Stan’s eyes would sparkle. Yearly, he would drop in to announce that it was time to for sugaring-off. Inviting all the families along the road to come enjoy the gold sweetness of Spring which he generously poured over the snow. With his continuous joyous attitude and energetic smile he would drop in to chat about getting the gardens off to a good start, which he did so well. His abundant harvest of squash and tomatoes were enjoyed by all residents of North Hatley. Yes he lived a good generous life and made so many feel good. Thank you for being a significant person in my life. Sending my sincere sympathies to the family.
Carmen Moliner, le 30 mai 2021
To all the family
Deepest sympathy to his family. Stan used to open my driveway during winter and has always a smile for us.
Lourdes Zubieta, le 1 juin 2021
To All of Family Stan's Family
My deep and sincere sympathy to Stan's family, close friends and neighbours in the sudden passing of Stan. His ready smile, quiet sense of humor and generosity will be missed by all who knew him.
Sheila Andrews, le 1 juin 2021
Eldon & Janet
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear brother.
Debbie Morehouse, le 9 juin 2021
The Family
I was very saddened by the news of the passing of my friend Stan. For 31 years I knew Stan as ''Stan Stan the pumpkin man'' We lived a few houses down the road and were very fortunate to be part of his life. Frequent visits to the farm or even to our house, Stan and Ben were always smiling, happy and great people. We were always welcome to visit an annual sugaring off party, come feed the goldfish ''inside or outside'' (I was always impressed of their size!!) but my favorite part of all was a couple weeks before Halloween as we would get to hunt our soon to be pumpkins in the barn where they were kept safe amongst the cows and away from the frost. Then came Halloween night and our tick or treat bags were filled to the rim as our last stop was the MacDonald homestead.
Stan would randomly swing by on snowy days and plow our driveway for us... in exchange of a hot chocolate, some cookies, and a long chat/visit! In my older years Stan and I would compare trucks as his red GMC was a twin to mine, I remember the day quite well I had a problem with back breaks. I brought in a disk break to his workshop in the basement. he had me set it down and the dust/rust from it covered the floor. Without missing a beat Ben came over (with a sly grin I will never forget) and invited me to pick it up AND sweep the rest of the basement!!! This is a memory I will never forget! Stand and Ben always had motorcycles! Mum and dad were fortunate enough to go ride with them before I was born. After that it was the love of old cars that brought our families together. Rides down to Stowe Vermont to a car show, cruse nights in Lennoxville, to an ice cream bar across the line, to car shows, the car club, his Spyder and even his Miata. He always came to show us or invited us to see his new acquisitions! A proud man, an honest man, and a man I look up to. We have lost a good man, a good friend and great neighbour. Now that he is re-united with his beautiful wife, I hope he takes the time to walk through heaven’s gardens with their little dog's, give some tips to the lord on how to grow GIANT pumpkins, and all the fruits and veggies. I hope he takes the time to sit with Ben amongst the flowers and soak up the beauty! Stan I will always beep when I drive by the farm!
Love always
Marc Richard
Marc Richard, le 15 juillet 2021