Ward (Lammeran), Wilma - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Ward (Lammeran), Wilma


1933 - 2020

Passed away peacefully at the Grace Village on Thursday April 30, 2020 at the age of 86 after a courageous battle with heart disease. Wilma was predeceased by her husband Sidney Ward and her parents Everett Lammeren and Ruth Parker, her daughter Marilyn and her sons Bruce and Jeffrey.

She leaves to mourn her son Michael (Marilyn) and daughters Susan (late Robert) and Penny (Mark).

She was the grandmother to 12 grandchildren and great grandmother to 25 great grandchildren.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the St. John’s Cemetery Brookbury, c/o Brenda Lowe, 249 Rte 255, Bury, QC J0B 1J0 would be greatly appreciated by the family.

The family would like to thank the staff of the Grace Village for the compassion shown to mom.

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