Millen, Alfred John - Obituaries |

Millen, Alfred John

MILLEN, Alfred John

1931 - 2019

With his family by his side, A. John Millen died peacefully in Asbestos on February 25, 2019, at the age of 87. He leaves to mourn his ever-loving wife of 53 years, Maria Sofranko; his children Katrina (Salvatore), Jennifer (Mario), Andrew, Tracey (Roland); his grandchildren Emily, Oliver, Chloe, Leo; his sister Helen, and many other family and friends.

 Cremation has taken place. Visitation on Saturday, March 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Anglican Church, 73 rue du Carmel, Danville, followed by funeral service at 12 p.m.

 In lieu of flowers, donations to the CSSS Des Sources (Asbestos), CHUS Fleurimont or Hotel-Dieu hospital (Sherbrooke), or a charity of your choice would be appreciated.

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20 messages received

Family of Mr. John Millen

My sincere sympathy to you, Maria and family, at your great loss.
I certainly will miss your husband's cheery manner and friendly teasing. He always brightened my day whenever I met him at Church functions.

Jean Storry, February 27, 2019

Maria & famille

La vie a une fin comme une lumière de bougie s’éteint, mais dans le cœur les souvenirs sont à
jamais ancrés.
The very best for you all.
Sincerely. Charles. Réjeanne Giguère

Charles Réjeanne Giguère, February 28, 2019

La famille Millen

L'équipe de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec est très attristée d'apprendre le décès de Monsieur Millen, un homme d'une courtoisie infinie.
Nous désirons vous offrir nos plus sincères condoléances.

Julie Roy, France Monty et Hélène Liard
BAnQ Sherbrooke

France Monty, February 28, 2019

Millen Family

My deepest condolences to the family in this sad time. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Tim Later , Chantal Jolicoeur. Linda Later , February 28, 2019


My deepest sympathies to you and your family from myself and Mom (Betty Perkins). We always loved John’s sense of humor. He will be truly missed by all who knew him.

Laureen Perkins Mignault , February 28, 2019

la famille

Que ce message vous apporte le témoignage d'une sympathie profonde et sincère.

Gérald et Carmen Auger, March 1, 2019

The millen family

We are so sorry to hear of mr Millens passing. He was a wonderful man and a great neighbour. Our thoughts are with you at this time. Barb Clayton and Allan day

Barbara clayton, March 1, 2019

Maria and family

Recevez, Maria, mes sincères condoléances pour la perte de votre compagnon de vie. Bien que je l’aie peu connu, c’était chaque fois un plaisir de rencontrer cet homme courtois,brillant; ajoutant une fine touche d’humour à chaque conversation. Bon courage, mes pensées vous accompagnent.

Maryse Gauthier, March 1, 2019

Maria and family.

Our sincere sympathies to you and family for your loss. John was a good neighbour, friend and co worker . He always enjoyed a good sense of humour .

Jan and Ed Day, March 2, 2019


Chère Maria et famille
Au nom de tous les membres du “St Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association”, j’offre nos prières et des condoléances sincères.
Jan Lariviere, présidente

Jan Lariviere, March 2, 2019

La famille Millen

I would like to wish my sincere sympathies. My stepdad told me the news today. My thoughts are with you

Janice Element , March 2, 2019

Maria and family

Dear Maria,

Our sincere sympathy to you and your family. We remember John as being a true gentleman, always in a good humour. He was a great coworker, a very devoted community - minded person and an enjoyable tennis player.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Mike and Ann Williams

Ann Williams, March 4, 2019

Maria et sa famille nos plus sinceres condoléances.

Bien que les fleurs se fanent et disparaissent, leurs précieux parfums demeurent toujours.

Tout comme ces fleurs éclatantes, ceux qui nous aimes ne meurent jamais; ils demeurent avec nous à jamais, empreints dans nos souvenirs précieux.

Lise Gagnon Bellerose et Gaston Bellerose, March 5, 2019

Mme Maria Millen

Mes sincères sympathies! Mes meilleures pensées vous accompagnent!
Danielle Beauchemin

Danielle Beauchemin, March 5, 2019

Mme John Millen (Maria Sofranko Millen) et famille

Mes sympathies Maria et à toute la famille mes pensées sont avec vous et, bon courage à vous tous.

Marielle Fortin, March 6, 2019


Dear Katrina, I am truly sorry for the loss of your dear dad. I hope you find some comfort surrounded by family, recalling the good times throughout his long life.

Love, Angela (ICDSP)

Angela Lawton , March 7, 2019

Jennifer et toute la famille

Je vous souhaite bon courage
Dans cette épreuve de la vie en espérant vous réunir en pensées positives

Bernadette , March 7, 2019

Maria & Famille

Mes sincéres sympathies Maria mes pensées t’accompagnent .
Micheline Boissé

Micheline Boissé, March 8, 2019

A Maria et famille

Nos plus sinceres condoleances a vous son epouse ainsi qu a toute la famille Millen. J'aimais beaucoup monsieur Millen. Il etait toujours si gentil avec tous. Il va nous manquer a nos rencontres Francophone et Anglophone.

Yvette et Gilles Messier., March 11, 2019

Maria & family

John will be missed by me. He was of great help to me in Yellowknife as we traded historical info on Asbestos & Danville. My mom & dad were always happy to get a visit from him either at their home in Danville or Wales Home. I also enjoyed hearing of his time at the Discovery Mine, north of Yellowknife. I hope someday we will have a mine museum here where I will make sure he gets credit for donating a couple of gold samples from Discovery.

Robert Carr, March 11, 2019

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