Parent, André - Obituaries |

Parent, André


1970 - 2022

We are saddened to announce the passing of Mr. Andre Parent, at the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, on October 23, 2022, at the age of 52. Son of Denis Parent and Carolyn Bullock and spouse of Isabelle Roy, from Stanstead.

Besides his parents and his spouse, André leaves to mourn his sisters Monica (Michel) and Danielle (David), his mother and father in-law Claude Roy and Cécile Larocque, his brother-in-law Frédérick Roy (Natalie) as well as many nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, extended family members and friends.

Visitation will be held at the Sacré-Coeur Church, 645 rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC, on November 5th, 2022, from 10 to 11 a.m., followed by a funeral service at 11 a.m. and interment at the Mont Ste-Marie cemetery.

The family would like to thank the staff of CHUS Hotel-Dieu, palliative care unit, for the excellent care given to André.

Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, 5151 Blvd de l'Assomption, Montréal, QC, H1T 4A9 would be appreciated.

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57 messages received

Les familles Parent et Roy

Nos sincères condoléances

Rene et Helene Lussier, October 25, 2022

Mr & Mrs Parent

My sincere condolences on the passing of Andrés.
I have many fond memories when we were all young kids playing on Daly St. And Monica babysitting us.

Thinking of you all during this most difficult time.
Jennifer Clowery

Jennifer Clowery , October 25, 2022

Familles Parent & Roy

Nos sincères condoléances

Bill & Danielle Parrish, October 25, 2022

The Family and Friends of Andre.

We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Andres and Isabelles family and to their many friends. Andre was a wonderful ,caring and very talented person. He will be greatly missed by so many.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, October 25, 2022

For the entire Parent/Roy family

They say there is a reason, they say time will heal, but neither time nor reason, will change the way I feel. For no one knows the heartache that lies behind my smile, no one knows that I have broken down and cried. I want to tell you all something, so there won’t be any doubt, you Andre are so wonderful to think of, but so hard to be without. For all the memories we shared as colleagues and friends, I am broken hearted to learn of your passing. My wish today is that your families will find the strength needed for the days ahead without you. My sincere sympathies to Isabelle and the two families whom have to move through life without you.
God Bless you all

Kathy Sheldon, October 25, 2022

Famille élargie d'André

J'apprends avec beaucoup d'émotion la nouvelle du décès d'André. Même si je le connaissais à peine, j'ai connu sa soeur Monica pendant plusieurs années lorsque nous étions toutes les deux à l'école (élémentaire et secondaire), sans compter que perdre son petit frère alors qu'il est encore jeune, ce doit être atroce et tellement difficile, et pour les parents d'André, ce doit être excessivement douloureux et inconcevable. Mes sympathies également à sa femme Isabelle qui se retrouve toute seule, et à tous ceux qui aiment André et qu'André aimait. Je vous offre tous mes plus sincères condoléances, sachant que votre peine doit être lourde, immense et inconsolable. Mes sympathies.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Céline Gaboriault, October 25, 2022

Carolyn, Denis, Monica and Danielle

So sorry to learn this…. ☹️

Nyko Blanchet , October 25, 2022

Parent family and Roy family.

It is during times of great loss that we realize how limiting words can be. Words alone can do no justice to the heartache you and your families have suffered. My heart and thoughts are with you and warm comforting hugs for each of you. Please know that I am also mourning the loss of André , that I will always have such fond memories of him from early childhood to today.

Lise Carbonneau, October 25, 2022

To the Family and friends of Andre

So sorry to hear the passing of Andre❤️Our deepest sympathies to all his family.

Tammy Andrew lakesha and Jed , October 25, 2022

Denis, Caroline, Isabelle and family

Our deepest sympathies.
He will be greatly missed.
We will always remember his good humor.

Ralph and Georgia, October 25, 2022

Famille Parent

Mes condoléances à la famille.

Michel Corriveau, October 25, 2022

Caroline and Denis

Our sincere condolences, Andre will be missed.

Diane and Eric Smith, October 25, 2022

Denis, Carolyn, Monica, Danielle, Isabelle and family

Sending my sincerest sympathies. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult, sad time.

Diane Fisher , October 25, 2022

Isabelle Frédérick Cécile et Claude Ainsi qu’aux parents d’André

Sincères condoléances et beaucoup d’amour de ma part et celle de mon conjoint Jean-Louis, sa fille Tianna et ma fille Mia Mei.
Gardez les doux moments près du cœur. Ce sont les plus importants.
Stéphanie Dubé

Stéphanie Dubé , October 25, 2022

Denis, Carolyn and family

Very sad that Andre is gone. My condolences to you.

David Lepitre, October 25, 2022


Quelle tristesse. Toutes mes condoléances. Il y a des nouvelles tellement difficiles à vivre, les mots nous manquent pour aider a soulager la peine que vous vivez. Mon souvenir d’Andre reste celui de quelqu’un qui t’accueille toujours avec un grand sourire. C’était toujours agréable de discuter avec lui. Je suis vraiment peiné pour votre perte.

Christiane parent, October 25, 2022

Isabelle,sa famille et la famille d’André

Sincères condoléances
Une très grande perte

Lizette Latocque Di Lazzaro, October 25, 2022


So sorry to hear sad news
Our condolences to you all

Melissa ( missy ) Laro, October 25, 2022

Andre's Family

My deepest sympathies to Andre's Family and friends. Although I don't know him personally, I've heard stories throughout the years from family members. A genuinely great guy. He will be missed.

Paige Gauthier Armstrong , October 26, 2022

Denis, Caroline, Monica et Danielle

Toutes nos sympathies. Les mots nous manquent pour exprimer tout notre chagrins. Tellement de beaux moments passés avec André et vous tous, souhaitant que tous vos beaux souvenirs vous aideront à poursuivre votre route.
Marie Josée et Serge xx

Marie Josée Chauvette , October 26, 2022

Caroline & family

So sad to read about your loss.

Judy Johnson, October 26, 2022

Isabelle, Cécile, Claude et Frédérick ainsi qu'à la famille Parent.

Nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées vous accompagnent en ces temps des plus difficiles.

May my support
warm your heart
Guy et Louise Corriveau, October 26, 2022

Andre's Family and Friends

Our deepest sympathies to you and Andre's family. He was a wonderful person. I had the opportunity of having chemotherapy treatments beside him. We reminisced about being childhood neighbors on Daily street.
I really thought he was going to beat this terrible disease. Sending all my love and prayers to his family and friends. May you now Rest in Peace . Until we meet again Andre!

Stephanie Clowery and Mark Macfarlane , October 26, 2022

Isabelle & Famille Parent & Famille Larocque

Nos plus sincères et profondes sympathies. André était toujours souriant & de bonne-
humeur et aimait faire des JOKES. Il va nous manquer comme Ami et voisin et de ses
visites chez-nous, mais il restera toujours dans nos coeurs. Bon courade à tous.
Terry Smith & Gisèle & Louisette Bergeron

May my support
warm your heart
gisele bergeron, October 26, 2022

Les familles Parent et Roy.

Nos sincères condoléances.

Réjean Corriveau et Lucille Dutil., October 26, 2022

Denis, Carolyn et famille.

SVP veuillez accepter nos sincères condoléances. Je ne peux même pas imaginer votre tristesse...
Thinking of all of you in your time of grief...

Fred & Denise, October 26, 2022

Denis, Carolyn et famille.

SVP veuillez accepter nos sincères condoléances. Je ne peux même pas imaginer votre tristesse...
Thinking of all of you in your time of grief...

Fred & Denise, October 26, 2022

Denis and Carolyn and family

So sorry to hear your sad news. It is so heart breaking to lose your child. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all

Steve and Marge Slack , October 26, 2022

Carolyn, Dennis and family

So sorry to hear about your son Andre passing, my sympathy to all his family.

Joyce, October 26, 2022

The Parent family

André’s creativity, his extraordinary talents, his simplicity, his determination, his ways of seing things in a positive way, never missing an opportunity to make you laugh, his love of nature, his love and his friendship were his gift to all who knew him.

Jacques Dupont, October 26, 2022

Isabelle et sa famille

La créativité d’André, ses talents extraordinaires, sa simplicité, sa sincérité, sa manière de voir les choses d’une façon positive, toujours aux aguets de nous faire rire, son amour de la nature et son amitié étaient un cadeau qu’il partageait avec tous ceux qui le connaissait.

Jacques Dupont, October 26, 2022

Familles Parent & Roy

Nos sincères sympathies à toutes les familles.

Marcelle & Denis Bouchard, October 26, 2022

A toute la famille Parent et celle de sa conjointe

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères sympathies aux deux familles, partageant votre peine. Il restera dans nos souvenirs vous ayant côtoyés dans de meilleures circonstances.

Robert Chauvette et Violette Perras. , October 26, 2022

Isabelle,sa famille et la famille d’André

Sincères condoléances

Une très grande perte

May my support
warm your heart
Lizette Larocque Di Lazzaro, October 26, 2022

Familles Parent & Roy

Our deepest Sympathies to both families. Our prayers and heart are with you all during this difficult time. RIP André.
nos Sympathies les plus sincères aux deux familles. Nous pensons à vous tous. RIP André.

Buster & Louise, October 26, 2022

Famille Parent

Mes sympathies!

May my support
warm your heart
Nathalie Routhier , October 26, 2022

Parent and Roy Families

We would like to extend our sincere sympathy to all of you. You will remain in our hearts and prayers.

Mike Thompson and Jane Blais, October 26, 2022

The Parent/Roy family

My sincere condolences to you all during this very difficult/sad time. Sending hugs and prayers for strength and healing for today and the days ahead xo

Nancy Stevenson, October 26, 2022

La famille Parent

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille Parent. Bonne chance à vous tous. Mes pensées et prières sont avec vous.

Annie Paquet, October 26, 2022

Denis, Caroline, Monica et Danielle

Our sincere sympathy to you all. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

May my support
warm your heart
Paul Roy, Bonnie Gibson and family, October 26, 2022

Denis, Carolyn, Monica et Danielle

Our sincere sympathy to you all. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

May my support
warm your heart
Paul Roy, Bonnie Gibson and family, October 26, 2022

Carolyn Denis et famille aisi que la conjointe d`André

Sincères sympathies , bon courage

Maxime Doyon, October 27, 2022

Denis Parent

Mes sincères condoléances Denis et famille Parent.

Kathy Gobeil Fisher , October 27, 2022

Denis et famille

Mes sincères condoléances

Jim Crook, October 28, 2022

Famille Parent et famille Roy

Nous tenons à rendre hommage à André Parent en tant qu'artiste. Nos sincères condoléances aux familles.
Marie-May Larocque D'Annunzio, Mario D'Annunzio et Claudine DAnnunzio

Cécile Larocque Roy, October 28, 2022

The Family

Much Love and sympathies to you.

Melissa Distefano, October 29, 2022

Parent and Roy family

There are no words. It is hard to believe. Please accept my deepest sympathies.

May my support
warm your heart
Francisca Bullock , October 30, 2022

La famille, amis et proches de André

Nous tenons à offrir nos plus sincères condoléances à la conjointe de André, sa famille, ses amis et ses proches. Nous avons apprécié la simplicité, le talent et l'humour de André, un grand artiste et une grande personne.

Chantal Lacroix et Mélanie Blais, Monuments Gosselin, October 30, 2022

Monica et Michel

Maman et moi vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances à la suite du décès du frère de Monica.
Nos pensées sont avec vous en ce temps de deuil et de tristesse.
Puissent ces quelques mots vous apporter un peu de réconfort!
Tante Lucille et Denis, cousin de Michel

Denis Charest, November 1, 2022

Denis and Carolyne

I’m not sure what to say in the face of such a difficult loss. Although I did not know André as teen or adult I’m sure he was a reflection of both of you and the girls. I hope you find amidst the sadness a time to reflect on the wonderful memories. I share in your sadness.

Elizabeth Thompson , November 1, 2022

Isabelle Roy et famille

Mes sympathies Isabelle bon courage en ses moments difficiles nous t'aimons beaucoup.

May my support
warm your heart
De la famille de Thérèse Larocque , November 2, 2022

Famille et amis

Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille et amis de André, nous garderons en mémoire son impeccable implication au sein de notre compagnie.

Richard et toute l’équipe de Granite Nadon.

Richard Nadon, Granite Nadon, November 3, 2022

Famille Parent et Roy

Nos plus sincères condoléances aux deux familles.

Marc, Julie, Mathis et Gabriel, November 4, 2022

Denis and Carolyn and family

My sincere sympathies to you all regarding the loss of Andre. May happy memories from the past help to get you through this sad time.Also the comfort of knowing that his suffering is over and he is at rest now.

Diane Cliwery, November 4, 2022

Monica et Michel

Nous sommes vraiment triste pour vous et votre famille. Nous vous offrons nous plus sincères condoléances.
Lucie et Jocelyn

Jocelyn Favreau, November 5, 2022

Les familles Parent et Roy

C'est avec regret que nous avons appris cette triste nouvelle. Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées sont avec vous tous.

May my support
warm your heart
Patricia Thompson & Jacques Bujold, November 5, 2022

A la famille de Denis Parent

En vous offrant mes condoléances à toute la famille.
Soyez fort

May my support
warm your heart
Lyne Parent, November 5, 2022

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