Hafford, Benjamin - Obituaries |

Hafford, Benjamin

HAFFORD, Benjamin


On May 11, 2021, Benjamin Jason Hafford, “Ben”, passed away at the age of 20 years.  He is lovingly remembered and so greatly missed by his parents, Amy Lavallee and Jason Hafford, his siblings, Mackenzie, Christopher, and Kayleigh, his extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and dear friends. 

Ben was a happy-go-lucky child who spent much of his time playing outside and in the woods behind his family home with his siblings. In recent years he enjoyed fishing in the summer and winter alike, four-wheeling, and hunting.  Those who knew him, knew him to be kind-hearted and caring soul who could be very quiet and observant of the world around him. Ben was an accomplished student and was working towards a Business degree at Bishop’s University. He will be laid to rest at Moe’s River Cemetery. 

Although his time with us was far too short, Ben will live on forever in our hearts and in our memories.

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29 messages received

Jason and family

So sorry to hear of your son's passing. Our sincere sympathy.

Leslie & Susan Nutbrown
Mitchell Road

Leslie Nutbrown, May 17, 2021

a tout la famille

Il n'y a pas de mots pour exprimer à quel point nous sommes affligés par la dure perte que vous vivez. Nous espérons simplement que notre sympathie vous apportera un certain apaisement.

Carmen et Simon Simard, May 17, 2021

To the whole family

When Tyler told me about Ben passing, there was a wave a sadnedd that hit, I want you to know that even though I didn't get to know him much, I really appreciated knowing him. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, may God give you strenght through this difficult time,

May my support
warm your heart
Guylaine Maille, May 17, 2021

La famille Hafford

Nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées sont avec vous dans cette dure épreuve.

May my support
warm your heart
Steve, Mirka, Matthieu, Mélissa Simard & Nathalie Paradis , May 17, 2021

Amy, Jason, Kayleigh, Chris, Mackenzie

We are so sorry for the passing of Ben. We will always always remember his smirk, kindness, warm soul! We are blessed that Ben crossed our path and got to know him as he grew to a wonderful young man! We will miss you so much Ben but you will be there to protect your family from above! “The ones we love are never gone, they live within our hearts”! Fly high Ben!❤️❤️❤️

From Anik, Rex, Brianna and Jacob xox..., May 17, 2021

Amy, Jason , Mackenzie, Chris and kayleigh

We are so sorry to hear the passing of your beautiful , kind and handsome Ben. Darcy and I are wrapping you all in our love and support . Forever in your hearts is where your Ben will always be ❤️❤️

Sherrie, May 18, 2021

Jason et Amy

Toutes mes sympathies. Mes pensées et mes prières vous accompagnent. Bon courage

Gérard Leblanc, May 18, 2021

Toute la famille

Nos sympathies à vous tous en cette période.

Denis, Dominic , Conrad Bouchard, May 18, 2021

Amy, Jason, Mackenzie, Chris, Keyleigh

Nous vous offrons nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille pour le décès de Benjamin. Nous sommes de tout cœur à votre douleur. Nous vous mettons tous dans nos prières.

May my support
warm your heart
Lise et Gilles Clément , May 18, 2021

La famille Hafford

Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de courage pour affronter cette douloureuse épreuve que vous traversez en ce moment.
Espérons que les souvenirs des beaux moments passés avec lui adouciront un peu votre peine.
« Particulièrement à Claire et Jason, ayant eu la chance de croiser votre chemin, j’ai une pensée bien spéciale pour vous. Claudette »
Sincères condoléances à toute votre famille !
Claudette et Laurent Quirion

May my support
warm your heart
Claudette Grenier, May 18, 2021

To the Hafford family

We are so sorry to hear of poor Ben, he was a great kid, and his smile could light up a room. Our thoughts are with you and we are here for what ever you need, when ever you need it. ❤️

Chris, Kelly, Gregory and Tyler, May 18, 2021

Amy, Jason and family

Sending you all my condolences, love and support. I hope you can find some comfort in the memories and love that you all shared.

Shelley xo, May 18, 2021

Toute la famille

Nos pensées sont avec vous dans ces moments difficiles nos sincères condoléances

real sage, May 18, 2021

Amy, Jason and family

My deepest and heartfelt sympathy to each of you. Words cannot express the sorrow that I am feeling at this time of loss. Cherish the memories of Ben. My prayers are with you at this time.

Linda Hoy, May 18, 2021

Amy and family

So sad to hear of Ben's passing. My sincere sympathies to the entire family.

Bob Halsall, May 18, 2021

Amy, Jason & family

My thoughts & prayers have been with you during this difficult time. May your memories comfort you as you hold them close to your heart. Sending you hugs my dear friend.
Tara xoxo

Tara Lessard Webb, May 18, 2021

To the Hafford family

There are no words. I will never forget Ben’s awesome smile and the spark he had in his eyes during Liam’s birthday parties back in 2009-10. My heart breaks for your loss. Prayers of comfort, hope and healing as I mourn with you.

Naomi (for the Letourneau family), May 18, 2021

À la famille Hafford

Toutes nos pensées sont tournées vers votre famille en ces moments difficiles qui demandent bien du courage. Nous partageons votre peine et nous vous présentons nos sincères condoléances.

Aline, Gervaise, Réal et Aimé Quirion

Laurent Quirion, May 18, 2021

Jason, Amy Hafford et famille

Un arbre s'enracine en profondeur et peut vivre plusieurs années. Benjamin lui vivra à jamais dans vos coeurs.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Réjeanne Dodier et Jean-Paul Gagnon, May 19, 2021

Toute la famille

Nous tenons à vous offrir nos plus sincères condoléances. Nos pensées sont avec vous dans cette rude épreuve.

Normand Clément et Lynda Leech, May 19, 2021

Amy, Jason, Mackenzie, Christopher and Kayleigh

Although your hearts are heavy with sadness they are filled with the love only a family can share. My sincere condolences for your loss. Heaven has a new angel looking over you all. Rest In Peace Ben.

May my support
warm your heart
Donna Langlois , May 19, 2021

Amy, Jason et les enfants

Toutes nos pensées et notre amour sont avec vous durant ces moments les plus difficiles. Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous. Avec notre plus grande tendresse. Karine fisette, Lori, Juliette, Xavier, Jérémie et Béatrice.

May my support
warm your heart
Karine fisette, May 20, 2021

Amy et Jason et les enfants

Nous vous offrons un arbre pour Benjamin

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Lise et Gilles Clément , May 20, 2021

Amy Jason et famille Claire et Len

Je pense à vous tous très fort et tous les jours je demande à Robert de vous aider à passer cette dure épreuve,courage toute ma famille sont avec vous de tout cœur
Je vous aime et vous envoie du positif et ma porte est toujours ouverte

May my support
warm your heart
Monique Clément , May 21, 2021

Amy and Family

Sending heartfelt sympathy to all the family during this difficult period. Praying each day will be easier. Remember the good memories of your son and hold them in your heart.

Cecily and Bernard , May 21, 2021

Famille Hafford

Nos plus sincères condoléances en cette période difficile nos pensées sont avec vous.

May my support
warm your heart
Maurice et Jacqueline Gendron, May 21, 2021

Amy, Jason, Mackenzie, Christopher and Kayleigh

There are no words that can express how sorry we are for your loss. We never really lose our loved ones as they stay alive in our hearts, thoughts and memories. God took an angel too soon. Ben is soaring high above and watching over you until you are together again. Love to you all❤️❤️

Charlene, Alen and Ethan, May 21, 2021

Amy,Jason and family

Our deepest sympathies to you all during this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers

Vicki and Jason Morse

Vicki Nixon , May 22, 2021

La famille de Ben

I’am so thankful to have had the chance to meet and be friends with Ben. He was such an amazing friend to me in Elementary School, he always knew how to make us smile and laugh. Il forever cherish the memories i had with him. My deepest sympathies to you all, you are all in my thoughts during this difficult time. Fly high Ben, you were such an amazing person.

May my support
warm your heart
Brianna Turcotte, May 26, 2021

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