Rediker, Dale - Obituaries |

Rediker, Dale


1945 - 2024

Our beloved father Dale Rediker passed away peacefully on February 9, 2024 at the age of 78. 

 From an early age, Dale enjoyed fishing, hunting and working on the family farm. He was a hard worker with a giving heart that helped many. Our father was also a great storyteller, always ready to chat with anyone who would listen. He was preceded in death by the love of his life, Denise Desbiens, just short of their 48th wedding anniversary.  Together they spent many years dancing and cherishing time with their family and friends.

 He leaves behind his children, Nicole (Charles), Carole (James) and Paul (Sherrie); his grandchildren, Julie (Jason), Joshua, Hannah (Shane), Cody (Isabella) and Brittany; as well as his five (soon to be six) great-grandchildren, Krysta, Skylar, Emma, Ava and Owen.

 A private celebration of life will be held in the Spring. 

 As a longtime supporter of the Magog hospital, donations in his memory to the PALLIATIVE CARE OF CSSS MEMPHRÉMAGOG (50, rue Saint-Patrice Est, Magog, J1X 3X3) would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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19 messages received

Nicole , Carole & Paul et Conjoints et conjointe

Nos plus profondes sympathies à toute la famille. Dale était toujours souriant
et sociable avec tout le monde.
Terry Smith & Gisèle Bergeron

May my support
warm your heart
gisele bergeron, February 13, 2024

La famille

Vraiment desole d apprendre ca ce matin .j avais connu aussi votre mere et pour Dale c etait plus qu un client pour moi .on n avait une relation d amitie en dehors du garage.vous avez toute ma sympathie !

May my support
warm your heart
Marc Beaudoin, February 13, 2024

To Dale's family

It is with great sadness that Richard and I learned of Dale's passing. Richard and Dale have been friends for a long long time. Richard enjoyed spending time with Dale at the saw mill, and in the woods cutting wood. They fished together also.
Your dad and grand-dad and great grand-dad was an amazing man, he will surely be missed, by us and by many people he touched. My son, Éric, can testify to the generosity of Dale and Denise, when his second son, Kevin, passed away. Their generous gift helped to pay for the funeral, of his 2 month old baby boy. Remembering you always, Dale! Thanks for all the good you did for our community. Rest in peace, dear friend. Richard, and Diane.

Richard L Smith Diane Gilbert (Smith), February 13, 2024

All the family

Dale was a great friend for a long time - generous, kind, always willing to help. And always with an interesting story to tell! I have so many good memories of Dale; I will hang onto those, and always remember him as he was in the good years. Rest in peace, dear friend.

May my support
warm your heart
Tom Montgomery, February 13, 2024

Dale’s Family

Please accept our condolences.
Dale was always very kind and a pleasure to speak with.

David & Sally Carruthers , February 13, 2024

Nicole et Charles

mes sympathies a la famille

May my support
warm your heart
denis fauteux et chantal, February 14, 2024


Très bons souvenirs de Dale…
Sorry for your loss.

Jim Crook, February 14, 2024

Gwen pope and his family

We use to play some cards with Dale and Gwen he was always smiling and happy .a very nice pleasant man . My Deepest sympathies to all that was in his life .RIP Dale

May my support
warm your heart
Connie Goodwin , February 14, 2024

Rediker family

My deepest sympathy to you all.He is going to be missed by many. RIP Dale

Helen Belanger, February 14, 2024

Dales Family and Friends

We extend our deepest sympathy to all of his family members and his many friends.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, February 14, 2024

Nicole,Carole, Paul et la famille

Mes sympathies Nicole,Carole,Paul et à chacuns et chacunes d'entre vous.
Vous êtes tous dans mes prières.

Anne-Marie Warren, February 14, 2024

The Rediker family

Our deepest sympathy to you all. I remember your Dad from the garage, The Post Office and the dances. He always wore a smile and lent a helping hand. RIP Dale. You will be missed. God bless you all.

Julia Kydd Rene Richard, February 14, 2024

Dale's fanily

My wife Carhy and I offer our condolences to the family.

Paul Stuart, February 16, 2024

À la famille

La perte d’un être cher qui est tant aimé laisse un vide que seul le temps peut remplir. Il est allé rejoindre sa douce et ensemble ils sauront vous soutenir dans cet épreuve. Que les doux souvenirs que vous gardez de lui vous apportent un peu de paix dans vos coeurs et de confort. Sachez que vous êtes dans nos pensées. Marc, Sylvie, Nicholas et Lily-Jade xo

Sylvie Higgins et Marc Gaulin, February 16, 2024

Family of Dale Rediker

Please accept my condolences on the passing of your Dad, Grandfather, and Great
I lived in Graniteville (now B.C.) and Dale and I went thru school together. I knew all the Rediker siblings and especially Dale. He was always a kind and generous guy but also a very
hard worker. The last time I saw him was in 1999 at Hazel Hand's 80th birthday party and
he was the same "Dale" I knew in school days!
I was raised by Lyell and Hazel Hand even though my name was Delia Doucette.
You were blessed to have such a great person in your life.
Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Delia Wardrope

Delia Wardrope, February 17, 2024

Dale's Families

My deepest sympathies to you all and your families
Dale was a sweet man, kind hearted and a smile to light up a room.

Pauline Roger, February 18, 2024

La famille de Dale Rediker

Nous venons d’apprendre le décès de Mr.Rediker Nous vous souhaitons à tous nos sincères sympathies.

Mario et Jacqueline Heppell , February 19, 2024

Dale Rediker

Sending my deepest condolences. I remember him as a good neighbour many years ago.

Millie Keniston, February 22, 2024

Dale Rediker

Dale and I grew up just 1/2 mile apart. We hunted, fished, attended school and raised a little #$@& together. We were out one Saturday night a long time ago and met two beautiful French girls. Dale was smitten and we double dated for months he and Denise and I with Francoise. We drifted apart after I left the area in 1965, never to return. As neither of us were letter writers we did lose touch. I have a lot of fond memories of life in Graniteville and the lake. Have been in BC for over 55 years
RIP my old friend

Frank (Francis) Rollins, March 12, 2024

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