Reijerink Antink, Dini - Obituaries |

Reijerink Antink, Dini


1929 - 2021

We are saddened to announce the passing of Dini Reijerink at the Wales Home, on Saturday, May 15th, 2021, at the age of 91, formerly from Hatley Quebec. She was the dear wife to the late Willy Antink.

She leaves to mourn her children: Joanne (François Rouillard), Cecile (Larry Ness) and Pauline (Trenholm Nelson); her grandchildren: David (Karine), Sabrina (Luigi), Valerie (Bradley), Patrick, Rachel (Justin), Naomi (Seth), Jane, Matthieu, Caleb, Hanna, Daniel, Nataniel and Sara Rouillard; Eric (Allyson), Jason (Claudelle), Andrew, Robert and Keesha (Steven) Ness; LeeAnn (Josh), Tiffany (Rony) and Kira Nelson as well as her great-grandchildren: Camille, William, Joshua, Josiah, Jesse, Makayla, Makenzie, Jackie, Malcolm, Liara, Sylas, Huxley, Marco and Felix. She also leaves her family in Holland, many nieces and nephews, other relatives and dear friends.

A private family gathering will take place at the Cass funeral Home, 900, Clough, Ayer’s Cliff, QC, on Saturday, May 22, 2021. A funeral service will follow at the St-Barthélemy Church.

The family would like to thank the staff at the Wales Home for the wonderful care provided to Dini.

Memorial donations may be made to the Wales Home Foundation, 506, Rte 243, Cleveland, QC, J0B 2H0, or to a charity of your choice.

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12 messages received

La famille Rouillard

Sincères sympathies à la famille Rouillard,

Yvan Morin et Gisèle Madore, May 18, 2021

Joanne, Cecile, Pauline and all their families,

Our most Sincere Sympathies to all the family. May you cherish for ever all the beautiful memories she left you. May she Rest In Peace.

Buster & Louise (Verpaelst) Mccomb, May 18, 2021

Joanne, Cecile, Pauline and families

My deepest Sympathies to all of you, your Mom was a wonderful person. Was a friend of my parents Doug and Irene Johnston.

Heather Johnston Cooper, May 18, 2021

All the Antink family

Our very deepest sympathies.

Janice and Ludwig Voggenreiter, May 18, 2021

To Antick family

All our sympathy

Dave and Mich Hatch, May 18, 2021

Antink family

Our sincere sympathy to all of you.

Tiny van Hal-Mercier family. t, May 19, 2021

Joanne, Cecile, Pauline and Famlies!

With Deepest Sympathy. Memories of those we've loved stay close to us
keeping our hearts company. Your mother was a great lady and a good friend to the family. Many thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.

Céline de Laat , May 21, 2021

Toute la famille

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille

Gilles Viens et Marguerite Morin , May 21, 2021

Joanne, Cecile and Pauline

My sincere sympathy to you and the family. It is never easy to see our mother leave.

Clément de Laat, May 21, 2021

Joanne, Cecile, Pauline and all their families,

Our sincere condolences for the loss of your mother, mother-in-law and (great-grand) grandmother Dini.
We wish you a lot of strength in this enormous loss. We are with you in our minds.
Forever out of sight, but forever in your and our hearts!
May she rest in peace!

Tante Marietje, Peter, Ursula & Jean-Paul, Sander & Moniek, Sonja en alle kinderen.
Groenlo, The Netherlands

Family Hoog Antink, May 21, 2021

Famille Ness

Toute nos sympathies à vous la famille Ness
Nos pensées sont avec vous en cette journée de funérailles
Peux importe l’âge toujours difficile de perdre une personne qui nous est chère
On pense à vous

Pierre et Myriam , May 22, 2021

Toute la famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances. Que les doux souvenirs apaisent votre douleur. Ce fut un plaisir vous avoir côtoyée. Reposez en paix Dini!

Gilbert Verhoef, May 23, 2021

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