Walker Beattie, Edith Gwendoleyn - Obituaries |

Walker Beattie, Edith Gwendoleyn

WALKER BEATTIE, Edith Gwendoleyn


Peacefully at the St-Vincent de Paul Pavillon, Sherbrooke, Qc, on Sunday, December 24th 2006 in her 71st year. Gwendeleyn Edith Walker, beloved wife of the late Lloyd Beattie, dear mother of Robert, June ( Don Steinhoff ), Ricky ( Christina ) and predeceased by infant daughter Heather Ann, cherished grandmother of Brian Steinhoff. Edith is survived by her brothers, Wesley ( late Margaret ), Howard ( Michalene ) and Harold ( Joanne ) and she was predeceased by Cecil, Bernice, Harriet ( Ken Paulley ) and Herbert ( the late Ethel ). Resting at the Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St. Sherbrooke, ( Lennoxville ), Tel: (819) 564-1750 / www.casshomes.ca, where friends may visit on Tuesday, December 26th 2006 from 7 to 9pm and on Wednesday, December 27th from 10 to 12pm and from 1 to 2pm, followed by the funeral service at 2PM with the Rev. Barbara Willard officiating. Interment in the Malvern Cemetery. As memorial tributes, flowers or donations to the Canadian Cancer Society,3330 King St. West, Sherbrooke, Qc J1L 1C9, will be greatfully acknowledged by the family.

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