Evans, Elaine - Obituaries |

Evans, Elaine

EVANS, Elaine



Elaine Evans passed away peacefully on August 12 at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Sherbrooke. The daughter of the late William and Angela Evans of Huntingville, Quebec, Elaine took great pleasure in having an expanding and loving family.

Her sister, Ruth, brother Dick and his wife, Marina, and the late Philip and Leah Wright were her immediate family. Elaine enjoyed each of her nieces, nephews, and their spouses: Evans --Angela (Graham); Jennifer (Bruce);Thomas (Lumi); Richard (Jennifer); Tim and (Dione); Wright--Janet (Richard); Pamela(Peter); Daniel (Lynne); Stephen; and Alan. Elaine happily observed the development of 14 great nieces and nephews, and most recently Lillian Maria Ridley, a great-great niece in Ottawa.

Elaine graduated from Lennoxville High School, Bishop's University, MacDonald College School for Teachers, and Middlebury College, Vermont. Her professional career spanned 40 years and experienced many challenges and changes, all of which she managed with her customary intelligence, wit, tenacity, and grace. She will be remembered for her love of singing and beautiful voice; for her love of family and generous spirit; for her sense of humour and fun; and for her enduring faith in God.

Many thanks to Hotel Dieu palliative staff for their kindness and care.

Donations in Elaine's memory may be sent to Malvern Cemetery, Box 306, Sherbrooke, J1M 1Z5.

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