Peters, Ellen - Obituaries |

Peters, Ellen



Passed away at the Maison Blanche in North Hatley on Friday, February 20th , 2009 at the age of 59. Daughter of Theodore Peters and Doris Gibbs, Mother of Hazel of Ontario, as well as her brothers and sisters: William (Karen), Charity (Serge), Cynthia (Yvon), Rose (Daniel), Lori (Stephan)and John; nieces, nephews and many other relatives and friends. There will be visitation at the Cass funeral Home, 545 Dufferin, Stanstead 819-876-5213/ on Saturday, February 28, 2009, where friends may visit from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. followed by the service in the funeral home. As a tribute to her memory, donations made to the charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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