Buttery, Evelyn - Obituaries |

Buttery, Evelyn


1924 - 2020

On July 1st 2020, at the age of 95, Mrs. Evelyn Buttery (née Pearl Evelyn Powell) of Sherbrooke, Quebec, passed away at home surrounded by family. Her daughter Joanne’s excellent management of care and her devotion, as well as help from the CLSC, are greatly appreciated. Evelyn fell asleep peacefully and awoke in the presence of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. She was preceded by her parents, Ivy Buie and James Powell, her eldest son Roderick, her brother Ross and his wife Mary, her sister Ivy and her husband Ray, as well as her daughter-in-law, Ellen, Mark’s wife. Evelyn is survived by her beloved husband Roy, her children, grandchildren, and their spouses: Joanne, Margot and Michael (Parent), Mark and his daughters Melani and Madison, Lorraine and Brian (Mathieu), as well as their children and grandchildren: Philippe and Catherine (Drouin) and their girls Rosalie and Léona, Emilie and Maxime (Boucher) and their daughter Irène, Michaël and Marie-Jade (Munger). Due to exceptional circumstances related to the Covid-19 pandemic, a private family memorial service will be held later this summer. However, those who wish to honour Evelyn’s memory can do so in the following ways. You can telephone Roy (819-347-1619) to offer him your condolences. Instead of flowers, the family would appreciate memorial donations to Camp Brochet, where Evelyn ministered, with devotion and distinction, to many people over the years. The camp’s mail address is: C.P. 8336, Chicoutimi, Québec, G7H 5C2. As well, in the fall, you can visit Evelyn’s burial site at Malvern Cemetery, 75 chemin Moulton Hill, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0A7

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5 messages received

Jeanne Buttery

Ma chère Joanne,
J'apprends ce matin le décès de ta maman. Je te souhaite mes plus sincères sympathies, toi qui étais si dévouée pour elle.

Suzanne Poulin, July 18, 2020


Chers Lorraine et Brian, nos plus sincères condoléances dans ce temps particulier ou nous aurions aimé vous tenir dans nos bras. Nos prières vous accompagnent. Eric et Melanie

Mélanie Tremblay, July 24, 2020

Lorraine ainsi qu’à tous les membres de la famille,


Depuis le 1er juillet que par la prière je t’accompagne dans cette épreuve. Y’a pas d’âge pour la douleur de perdre un être cher et je crois qu’une mère c’est encore pire.

J’écoute encore ta chanson Yahwé chaque soir depuis ce jour.

Sincères condoléances Lorraine ainsi qu’à tous les membres de ta famille.

Sylvie Girard (St-Félicien), July 24, 2020


Lorraine, on pense à toi et ta famille et on vous souhaite la paix qui vient avec l'assurance de l'Amour de Dieu pour ta chère maman.
Wallie et Frank

Wallie et Frank Danbrook, July 27, 2020

M.R.Butteray et sa famille

Nos sincères condoléances ainsi qu'à tous les membres de votre famille.
Qu notre Seigneur vous bénisse dans ses moments difficiles.

Serge Plante et Nicole de l'ACCM, July 29, 2020

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