Sayers, Francis (Buck) - Obituaries |

Sayers, Francis (Buck)

SAYERS, Francis (Buck)


1945 - 2016
Francis (Buck) Alexander Sayers passed away on May 16th, 2016  at the CSSS Memphremagog in his 71th year.  Beloved husband of Ellen Rever and son of the late John Sayers and Audrey Mitchell.    Dear father of Randy (Jenn), Shelley (Ross), Carroll (Colleen).  He will sadly be missed by his grandchildren Adam, Travis, Randi Lee, Courtney, Tiffany, Alex, Collin and Hailey, as well as his great-grandchildren Sophie and Miles.  He leaves his brothers and sisters Bea, Peter, Linda, Larry, Elsie, Donnie, Carylon, Bev, Billy, Johny, Fay, Bobbie and Neil.   He is predeacesd by his brothers Archie, Terry, and Steven.  He was half brother to Jerry, Dianna, Joanne, Darlene and is preceased by his half brother Robert.   He will be missed by his adopted son Lorne Pegg, his brother and sister in laws as well as many nephews, nieces, musicians and friends everywhere.
The family wishes to thank the personnel of the blood clinic department  at the CSSS Memphremagog and well as the Cancer care unit of the CHUS Fleurimont.
A private graveside funeral will be held at a later date.

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