Smith, Garth Royden - Obituaries |

Smith, Garth Royden

SMITH, Garth Royden

1932 - 2018

It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of our father and grandfather, Garth Royden Smith. Garth was born in Lennoxville, QC on May 17, 1932 to Royden and Rose Smith.

He passed away suddenly, yet peacefully, on July 31st, 2018 with his family by his side. Garth was always a competitor and a gentleman, and in his younger years, excelled as a multi-sport athlete. In the 1950’s he was accredited as a CPGA golf professional and was hired at Bishop’s University as the basketball coach and Athletic Director. Garth participated actively in the evolution of the Lennoxville Golf Club becoming the present day 18 hole Milby Golf Club where he was the first pro. He was a resolute promoter of the game and junior golf. Garth’s 1967 Bishop’s basketball team went to the National championships. In the spirit of Bishop’s, Garth was always available and willing to help a student through difficult times. After a successful and fulfilling career at the university, Garth retired in 1992. In his retirement he founded the ever-popular Eastern Township’s senior golf tour and became an avid curler, mastering the art of stick curling. His spirited nature was always present as he enjoyed watching his grandchildren play sports at competitive levels. His weekly trip to the camp at Wallace Pond, stopping for an ice-cream on the road home, was a favourite summer tradition.

Garth is survived by his best friend and loving wife of 61 years, Sylvia (Burt), his sister Barbara Stewart (Dundas, ON), his children, Kimball (Lisa Welden), Jocelyn (Paul Bélanger), and Vicki (Andrew Ochman). He will always be remembered as a loving grand-father and mentor by Andrew, Lindsay, Ryan, Frédérik, Anthonny, Jessica, Jason and Devon.

Donations may be made in Garth’s memory to Bishop’s Gaiters Athletics - Bishop's University, 2600 College St., Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, J1M-1Z7. A celebration of Garth’s life will be held in the fall of 2018. Details to come.

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6 messages received

Sylvia Smith

Mes plus sincères sympathies, Sylvia, ainsi qu’à toute ta famille. Je garderai toujours un excellent souvenir de ce sympathique grand homme qu’était Gart.

Eduardo Benvenuto , August 4, 2018

La famille Smith

Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille Smith.

Lize Grimard, August 5, 2018

Sylvia, Kimball, Joceyln, Vicki and families

I was a member of two of Garth's teams at Bishop's in the mid sixties. He was a fine human being and a person whom I always admired and respected. If you were to look up the definition of "gentleman" in the dictionary you would find a picture of Garth. Our sincere condolences to all of his family.

Lindsay & Debby Black, August 5, 2018

Sylvia and Family

Our deepest sympathy to you and your family

Barb and Murray Ward, August 7, 2018

Sylvia & family.

Dear Sylvia, It is with deep sadness that I learn of Garth's death. Sincere sympathy to you and your family in his passing. May God comfort you and hold you in the palm of his hand during this very difficult time. May the many memories you all have help to sustain you at this time. Yours sincerely, Alice (Bassett) Johnston, Newmarket, Ontario.

Alice (Bassett) Johnston, August 9, 2018


Mes sincères condoléances à Vicki et les siens
Bien que les fleurs se fanent, meurent et disparaissent, leurs précieux parfums demeurent toujours. Tout comme ces fleurs éclatantes, ceux que nous aimons ne meurent jamais ; ils demeurent avec nous à jamais, empreints dans nos souvenirs précieux.
Je t'envoie plein d'énergie positive et je pense à toi!

Raymonde Bouchard, August 28, 2018

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