Therrien, Gérard - Obituaries |

Therrien, Gérard


1946 - 2020

In Stanstead on April 17th, 2020, Mr. Gérard Therrien passed away suddenly at the age of 73. He was the son of the late Adrien Therrien and the late Léona Lemaire.

He leaves to mourn his brothers and sisters: Diane (Willis Day), Carmen (late Ronald Farley), Yvon (Solange Fauteux), Lucie (Gérard Roy), Suzanne (Roy Marrotte) and Daniel (Martine Morin). He was predeceased by his brother René. He also leaves may nephews, nieces, cousins, other relatives and friends.

Because of present circumstances, funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date.

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La Famille Therrien

Sinceres condoleances a Diane(Willis),Carmen,Yvon(Solange);Lucie(Gérard),Suzanne(Roy),Daniel(Martine).
Nos pencées sont avec vous.

Paul et Linda Durocher, April 29, 2020

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