Ketcham, Gertrude - Obituaries |

Ketcham, Gertrude

KETCHAM, Gertrude

1926 - 2021


Gertrude Ketcham passed away peacefully at the Magog hospital on July 14th 2021 at the age of 95.

A graveside service will be held at a later date.

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3 messages received

Ursula Ruf

I am sorry for your loss Ursula. I know how special she was to you. My condoleances.


Jocelyne, July 17, 2021

Family of Gertrude Ketcham

Gertrude was a dedicated fellow member of the Stanstead County W.I.
She was no doubt a member long before I joined in the ‘60’s. and I enjoyed her company at County meetings as well as other W.I. events.
I remember visiting Gertrude at her home in Stanstead and her sun porch was filled with was like walking into a very lovely!
Good memories.

Janet McLellan

Janet McLellan, July 18, 2021

all of Gertrude's friends

Personally Gertrude and I were very close as she travelled
with Arnold and I to many functions of Rebekahs and Odd Fellows.
She was a very devoted friend and supporter of my activities as a President and Grand Master.She fulfilled her offices with dignity and humour. We adored her.The last time I visited we had a long talk as she
was taking part in an activity and then her meal.Covid kept us from seeing each other but always in each other's thoughts.She will be missed by all who knew her.Rest in Peace Dear friend!!Ernestine and Arnold and all fraternal sisters and brothers.!with LOVE!

ernestine whipple, July 29, 2021

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