Beekers, Godfried - Obituaries |

Beekers, Godfried

BEEKERS, Godfried


On Friday, Aug. 26, 2011, Godfried, at the age of 90 passed away peacefully at the CHUS Fleurimont surrounded by his loving family. Godfried Beekers beloved husband of Regina Kretchman and dear father of Theresa, Fred (Danielle),and Diana (Joe). Godfried was the cherished grandfather of Jennifer, Michael, Mindy, Cassy, Christopher, Mitchell and Martin, and of 6 great grandchildren. In respect of Godfried`s wishes a private family service will be held. Memorial tributes in Mr Beekers memory can be made to the Quebec Lung Association, 222-855 Rue Sainte-Catherine E, Montreal, QC, H2L 9Z9. Rust in vrede lieve Vader. Totdat we elkaar weerzien.

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