Blake, Gregory - Obituaries |

Blake, Gregory

BLAKE, Gregory

1959 - 2019

It is with great sadness that we would like to inform you that Greg Blake passed away suddenly Friday, May 10, 2019.

He is survived by his daughter, Chelsea, and step-children; his mother, Dorothy Blake; his brothers, Steve, Mike, Wilbur, and Bill; his girlfriend, Darlene Simpson; and many grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.

Greg enjoyed hunting, fishing, and playing softball and darts. He was a sandblaster in the granite industry for many years.

A gathering will be held at the Woodside Cemetery in Beebe, ­Quebec on May 25, 2019, at 1 p.m.

The family would like to thank the Guibord and Sayles Funeral Home in St. Johnsbury, Vermont and the Cass Funeral Home in Stanstead, Quebec for their assistance at this difficult time.

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2 messages received

Dorothy Blake

Mes sympathies à toutes la famille

Noella Blake fille de Léo Blake, May 17, 2019

Dorothy & family

My sympathy to you Dorothy and to Greg family and his brothers. You know my thought are with you all
Sent with love.

Joyce, May 19, 2019

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