Rolleston, Harriet - Obituaries |

Rolleston, Harriet


1939 - 2019

It is with sad heart that we announce the passing of Harriet Rolleston, at the Hotel-Dieu hospital, on July 5th, 2019 at the age of 79 years and 10 months. She was the daughter of late Harry Rolleston and the late Catherine Smith.

She leaves to mourn her children Shirley (Richard Poliquin), Roger (Tealla Codere) and Tricia; her grandchildren: Kyle, Philip, Melanie (Jonathan Giguère), Christopher, Steven (Noémie Viens), Traci, Tasha (Brandon Royer) and Joanie; her great-grandchildren: Logan, Ryder, Christian and Hunter. She is predeceased by her brothers Francis Smith (late Josephine Shedrick) and Richard Rolleston as well as her sister Audrey Smith. She also leaves many nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and dear friends.

A graveside service will be held on Saturday, July 13th, 2019 at 3 p.m. at the Crystal lake Cemetery, Fairfax Rd, Stanstead, QC.

The family wishes to thank David Woodard, Cathy Phaneuf, family and friends for their support during this difficult time.

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4 messages received

julie vaillancourt et Luc Laroche

Nos sympathies a toute la famille et nos pensées sont avec vous dans ses moments difficile

julie vaillancourtet Luc Laroche , July 8, 2019


My deepest sympathies to you all, Harriet was a dear dear friend to me during hard times, she will never be forgotten! xo

Laurie Yetter, July 8, 2019

Shirley Poliquin et sa famille

Nos sympathies à toi Shirley et à ta famille . C'est des moments très difficiles à vivre. Nos pensées sont avec toi. Claire et Denis Poliquin.

Claire Gosselin, July 9, 2019

La famille Rolleston

Toute ma symphatie à la famille.
Bénévole au transport de la Rose des Vents.

Pierre Gouin, July 9, 2019

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