Thomson, Hugh Fitzgerald - Obituaries |

Thomson, Hugh Fitzgerald

THOMSON, Hugh Fitzgerald

1930 - 2020

Hugh Fitzgerald Thomson of Stanstead, Quebec, died on February 6, 2020 at the age of 89.

He leaves behind Jean McMullan, his much-loved wife and best friend of 66 years. He was the proud father of Andrew (Karyn) and Peter (Fern) and was a grandfather to Scott (Jamie).

At his request, there will be no funeral. A burial will take place at Crystal lake at a later date.

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3 messages received

Jean McMullan

Knut and I are so sorry to realize that Hugh has gone on his last journey to peace and eternity. Our deep felt condolences to you and your entire family. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance in those difficult times of sorrow and snow storms. Tenderly yours
Christine and Knut (819 829 8911)

Christine Pelzer, February 11, 2020

Jean Thomson

Hello Jean,
It was a surprise to see this announcement as I did my weekly look at The Record. We send you sincere sympathy and hope that you will be able to cope with all the changes in your life. I remember thinking what a good looking couple you were when I was a kid, was in awe of the two of you together. 66 years together is rare and I hope your own health is ok.
Love, Joy

Joy McDonald, February 11, 2020

Jean and family:

Our deepest sympathy to the family of Mr. Thomson. I will always remember our little chats and the beautiful bouquets of peonies from his garden that he would bring to the Post Office in Stanstead for all of us to enjoy. May he rest in peace!

Lorrayne and Larry Markwell - Stanstead, February 12, 2020

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