Poirier, Huguette - Obituaries |

Poirier, Huguette

POIRIER, Huguette

1941 - 2021

We are saddened to announce the passing of Mrs. Huguette Poirier at the age of 80, on April 23, 2021 at the Magog Hospital, originally from Ayer’s Cliff. Dear wife of the late Peter “Bill” Morgan and daughter of the late Ernest Poirier and the late Jeanne Labonté.

She leaves to mourn, her daughters Linda (Jake Jackson) and Cathy; her grandchildren: Terri-Lyn (Collin), Leora (Dylan), Dawn (Mike), Anna-Lea, Aaron (Kathryn), Andrew, Heather, Peter, Sarah and Michael as well as her great-grandchildren: Skylar, Mikayla, James, Kezia, Ryan, Millie and Jacob. She is survived by her sisters Carmen (Victorin Lapierre) and Lise (Raénald Corriveau). She will be missed by many other relatives and dear friends.

Visitation will take place at the Cass Funeral Home, 900, Clough St., Ayer’s Cliff, QC, on May 14th, 2021, from 1 to 3 p.m. Due to the pandemic restrictions, please pre-register at 819-838-4592.

As a memorial tribute, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada,110-1525 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 8R9; or to the Canadian Wildlife Federation, 350 Michael Cowpland Drive, Kanata, Ontario, K2M 2W1; would be appreciated by the family.

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14 messages received


Je garde de Bon souvenir de Huguette
Sa générosité et joie de vivre
Ceux que nous aimons ne meurent jamais
Sincère condoléance

Aline Bouliane, May 6, 2021

Linda, Jake & family

My deepest sympathy, may she rest in peace.

Barbara Paxton, May 6, 2021

La famille de Huguette Poirier

Nos condoléances à toute sa famille

Serge et Lucie Poirier, May 7, 2021

A la famille

Mes sympathies à toute la famille, Huguette et moi avons eu beaucoup de beaux moments ensemble. Je garderai ces souvenirs précieusement.

François Larochelle, May 7, 2021

La famille de Huguette Poirier

Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
Claudette & Richard.

Richard Roy, May 7, 2021

la famille

merci de savoir connue dans le passé avec Fernande que j'ai reçu les photos de ma jeunesse je ne vous oublierez jamais sois près de Fernande Claude .

Claude Boissonneault, May 8, 2021

a la famille

Nos sincères sympathies
nous gardons un beau souvenir de Huquette ayant été voisin
pendant plusieurs année.
Gabrielle et Marcel Tanguay et famille

Gabrielle Tanguay, May 8, 2021

La famille Poirier

Il est toujours difficile de perdre quelqu, un que l.on aime..sa joie de vivre.... son sourire restera toujours dans nos cœurs.... spécialement à Lise et Carmen......la famille Poirier on partage votre chagrin à chacun de vous.... Nos Amitiés à tous! Cousine Claire P Lapierre Gerry Marlène Johanne Lily


Claire P Lapierre, May 8, 2021

The whole family

I had a special gift to treat and care for Ms. Poirier during her time at the Magog hospital. She was an amazing lady. Almost like a mom or grandma to me. I was there everyday taking care of her and doing her hair to make her look beautiful. Always there when she needed. We were very very close her and I. It was very hard for me to here the news that she had passed. It was my day off when I got the call at home to notify me. I guess heaven needed another angel. I just want to say I am deeply sorry for her lost to all her close friends and family. Stay strong. Love Crystal

Crystal Morin, May 8, 2021

Linda and Cathy

I am sorry to hear of the passing of your Mother, my Deepest Sympathy.
Heather Johnston Cooper

Heather Cooper, May 8, 2021

La famille

Mes plus sincères condoléances à vous tous.

Denise Orichefsky, May 8, 2021

Cathy and Linda and families

So sorry to hear of your sudden loss. May the Lord surround you all with His wonderful love and comfort, as you grieve the loss of your loved one. Sending love, hugs, and prayers.

Eileen Dezan, May 12, 2021

Famille et Amis / Family and Friends

Un mot en souvenir de notre chère Huguette, Mère, Sœur, Tante, Amie : toujours sincère, rieuse, pleine de compassion et de support pour les siens.
Nous voulons partager avec vous notre amour véritable pour Huguette dans ces moments d’épreuve. Nos sincères sympathie à ses proches de la famille Morgan. Le deuil qui frappe nous permet de vous dire combien nous sommes proches de vous.
En partageant nos bons souvenirs, nos condoléances,

Famille Lise Poirier et Raynald Corriveau

A word in remembrance of our dear Huguette, Mother, Sister, Ant, Friend: always sincere, laughing, full of compassion and supportive with her family and friends.
We want to share with you our true love for Huguette in those trying times. Our sincere sympathy to the Morgan Family. The grieving that strikes us allows us to tell you how close we feel with you.
Sharing our good memories with our heartfelt condolences,

Lise Poirier and Raynald Corriveau’s Family

Bruno A Corriveau, May 12, 2021

To all the Family

Our most deepest sympathies.

Janice and Ludwig Voggenreiter, June 3, 2021

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Heart and Stroke Foundation Make a donation