Paquin, Jacqueline - Obituaries |

Paquin, Jacqueline

PAQUIN, Jacqueline

1928 - 2020

Jacqueline (Jackie) O’Neill (Paquin), beloved daughter of the late Rosaire Paquin, passed away at Grace Village home in Huntingville, Québec on August 3, 2020 at the age of 92. She was a loving and devoted mother to her five children, Peter (Christine Tokai), Norman (Gladys Hann), Michelle (Gary Batchelor), David (Linda Speck) and Louis (Cecilia Cornelissen) and a kind and caring grandmother to her nine grandchildren, David, Christopher, Jolene, Sean, Erin, Andrea, Cheryl, Sebbie and Nici. She mourned, with the rest of us, the passing of her beloved son, David (father of Sean, Erin, Andrea, and Cheryl) in 2009. Mom also maintained strong ties with our late father (Gerald Henry O’Neill) and the father of David and Christopher (Michel Fortier).

We sincerely thank the Grace Village staff for the devoted care they provided our Mom over the years.

Due to COVID constraints, a celebration of Mom’s life will take place at a later date.  In lieu of flowers, donations to the Grace Village Care Foundation would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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3 messages received

Peter o'Neil

C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de tante Jacqueline. Nous gardons un souvenir heureux des contacts que nous avons eus avec elle.

Peter, Norman, Michelle et Louis, recevez nos sincères sympathies.

Hélène, Gilbert et Lucie Terriault

Hélène Terriault, August 19, 2020

la famille

Nos sincères sympathies pour le décès de tante Jacqueline.

Gisele et Denise Turcotte

Gisele Turcotte Gervais, August 23, 2020

Famille O'Neill

C'est avec tristesse que je viens d'apprendre la perte qui vous touche. Si cela est possible d'assister à la cérémonie qui aura lieu ultérieurement, j'aimerais être avisée.

Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille.

Francine Lauzier (fille de Dolorès)

Francine Lauzier, September 14, 2020

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