Boomhower, James Enoch - Obituaries |

Boomhower, James Enoch

BOOMHOWER, James Enoch

1950 - 2021

On May 29th, 2021, James Enoch Boomhower passed away at the age of 71, in Stanstead Quebec, after a lengthy illness. He was the son of the late George Walter Boomhower and the late Hilda Beane.

Father of James Goodwin (Nancy) and brother of Ralph (Claire), Marion (Larry), Alice (Casey), Dorothy, Harry, late Doris (Ian), late Roy, late Terry (Janet), late Frank (late Beryl) and late Violet (late Ted). He also leaves many nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles and friends. 

Uncle Jim was a good kind soul to all. He did not live to impress anyone, a hard worker and always quick to lend a helping hand to others. He liked to dream and our plans were to have a picnic on the Pinnacle, then pack up and travel out West, eating apples and spreading the seeds like Johnny Appleseed.

To sum up his life he would have said: “I DID IT MY WAY”.

As a memorial tribute, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 100-2630, King West, Sherbrooke, QC, J1J 2H1, would be appreciated.

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10 messages received

Jimmy and Nancy

We would like to extend our sympathy to you following the passing of your Dad.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, June 2, 2021

To the Boomhower Family

Our Sympathies to all the Family.

Paul and Linda Durocher, June 3, 2021

The Boomhower Family

My sympathies to the family

Elisabeth Houle, June 3, 2021

Boomhower Family

My condolences, he was such a sweet man, and every time I saw him, I made sure to take the chance to chat with him, he was always so happy to have a conversation. R.I.P Uncle Jimmy. ❤️

Cathy Smith, June 3, 2021

Boomhower Family

Rest in peace “Jimmy Boom” always enjoyed our chats since our first one back in school.

Dave Lepitre , June 3, 2021


Rest In Peace dear James!
Happy trail sweet James.
He was a good soul!

May my support
warm your heart
Suzie, June 7, 2021

To his family

My condolences. I met James only ounce through my son Peter who would come and stay a few days at my father’s camp that was just across the road, I saw a kind face.
My son spoke highly of James and was very sad at his passing away.
His mission on this earth was done, he had to leave.

Françoise Desharnais , June 11, 2021

To his Family !

Hi, i'm very touch and sad..i have lost my Friend Jim. I go often at my grand Father Distefano camp on Haskell street. Every time i stop to go see him. He show me what he add done around is place and we chat a few moment and we both say " See you next time"
I went there again and i knew allready he was not i went across the street and the man told me Jim is with is niece..and he won't come back...i was in stock.. i wanted to talk to him..i even left my car.. no answer..
He will be miss very much...he was à gentle and King Man!!! Alway's there to help you. I will but his picture at the camp. Every time since,i go very slow and look at his house..and good memories go by..i miss him a lot since.
May God bless you my good old Friend..Jim !

Peter Desharnais , June 15, 2021

Stacey and The Boomhower family

my sympathies to the family .....

melanie , June 20, 2021

Boomhower family

I was so very saddned to hear of Jimmy's passing. I have not lived in the area for awhile now. I have many great memory's . He carry a very special place in my heart rest in peace my friend. My sympathize to the family.

Anita mckelvey (Ann), March 26, 2022

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