42 messages received
Matt V.
Our deepest condolences, Matt.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Mike B., April 15, 2024
John Boersen
Onze gedachten gaan uit naar een oom die het leven volop heeft geleefd en doorleefd. Weg uit het vertrouwde Achterveld in Nederland bouwde hij samen met de zus van mijn moeder, tante Margareth, een nieuw bestaan op in Canada. We genoten heel vaak van de gastvrijheid op hun boerderij “de Glynthstages”. Ome Jan was een breed ontwikkelde man met interessante gesprekken over o.a. politiek. Maar ook praatte hij graag over zijn ouderlijke boerderij “Schoonderbeek”, de oorlog in zijn jeugdjaren in het door hem geliefde Achterveld. In oktober j.l. mochten we hem voor het laatst bezoeken, op zijn 91e verjaardag. Nog precies op tijd om herinneringen op te halen, te genieten van zijn verhalen en de historie van zijn leven voor altijd in ons te bewaren.
Mirjam en Henri Schouten, April 16, 2024
Peter Boersen
Mes sincères condoléances à toi et à toute ta famille. Que mes prières vous accompagnent

May my support
warm your heart
Francine Pouliot , April 16, 2024
Peter et toute la famille
Quel beau message, une vie bien remplie qu'a eu votre papa. Que de beaux souvenirs d'enfance, un voisin fort sympathique et généreux de son temps. Sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Bon courage !
Diane et Gérard
Diane Goupil Tardif, April 16, 2024
The family of Johannes Boersen
May you find comfort and peace in knowing John lived a full and meaningful life and is now safe in the arms of Jesus, the greatest Caregiver of all.
Marilyn Jackson, April 16, 2024
The Boersen family
My deepest condolences
Ann Redburn, April 16, 2024
The Boersen family
I am sorry to hear of John’s passing. He was a kind, intelligent man. I always an enjoyed conversations with him. I know how much he will be missed. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Cathy Watson, April 16, 2024
All the family
What a impressive life he had, reading this, i am like wow, just Wow.
So sorry for your loss, he will be sadly missed, sending you all hugs from afar.
Diane McCourt , April 16, 2024
Philip Boersen
Mes sincères condoléances Philip. Ton père a dû être une personne très inspirante. Il t'a légué de belles valeurs. J'admire votre engagement envers vos semblables.
Mes pensées sont avec toi, ta famille et tes proches en ces moments de deuil.
Corinne Ridel , April 16, 2024
Peter , Fillip et Paul Boersen
Quand j'ai achetée une ferme à Melbourne, le premier voisin qui m'a été donné de rencontrer fut John Boersen. Nous sommes vite devenus amis ainsi que sa chère épouse Margret. John nous a racontés les affres de la guerre qu'il a vécus dans son enfance. À vous tous ses enfants et petits enfants nous partageons votre tristesse. Gardez le souvenir d'un homme généreux et bon Juliette et Robert Pelletier.
Robert Pelletier, April 16, 2024
Peter Boersen
Mes plus sincères condoléances Peter, ainsi qu'à ta famille.
Denis St-Amand , April 16, 2024
The whole Boersen family
What a beautiful tribute you wrote for your father, opa and great-opa! To me, Jan was like a grand-father when I was young, my own grand-parents being so far away in Holland. He was always so nice, always smiling, and I was impressed by how big his hands were!
I feel for you all, my sympathies xx
Myrthe Langeveld, April 16, 2024
Peter Boersen et famille
Toutes nos sincères sympathies. Nos pensées sont pour vous en ces moments difficiles.
Martine et Yvan Lizotte, April 16, 2024
To all the family
Our deepest condolences to you all
Marianne and Dustin
Marianne Blom , April 16, 2024
Peter and Philip
I only saw your father once or twice when I was in grade school at St-Michael’s. The thing I remember most is he had a great big smile and a ‘joie de vivre’ that was larger than life. I wish to express to the both of you and to all your family my heartfelt condolences.
James Kendall, April 16, 2024
The family
Deepest sympathies from your Converse neighbours
Robin Converse, April 17, 2024
The Boersen Family
My memories of John and Margaret are from the years between Knowlton and Melbourne. They lived on the Maynes farm in "Skiberine" where Ann and Peter called my Dad "Opa". John was a great worker and always showed interest in the farm. I am so happy that Doug and I were able to visit John last summer at the Wales Home. His face lit up as we chatted about "the good old days".
John was a man of great inspiration to others.
Our sincere sympathy to all the family.
Shirley ( Maynes ) and Doug Beakes
Shirley, April 17, 2024
Philip et la famille Boersen
Mes plus sincères condoléances à toi Philip et toute la famille. It appears your father was an extraordinary man. Thank you for sharing his life story, unique and inspiring.
Stéphane D'Amato, April 17, 2024
John Boersens siblings
What a life!!!!!Thank you for sharing HIS story . Condolences from his Boersen and Vandengal cousins and families in Ontario! My
mom, Annie Bokkers recalls many visits with him and was so glad he was close to his children in his final years ️
Nancy Hess , April 17, 2024
family Boersen
My sincere condoleances with the passing of your father, opa and great-opa and my Ome Jan.
With love,
Bep Rademaker-Schimmel (daughter of Herman Schimmel and Cecilia Verhoef)

May my support
warm your heart
Bep Rademaker-Schimmel, April 18, 2024
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
Suzie Fortin, April 18, 2024
Famille Boersen Paul et Julie
Perdre un être cher est toujours une épreuve et ce, peu importe les circonstances. Veuillez recevoir mes condoléances et croire en mes respectueux sentiments.
Gaetan Desmarais & Cécile Arsenault , April 18, 2024
Beorsen Family
To all the Boersens, our deepest sympathies from the entire Benik family. Know that we grieve with you , your father was a wonderful part of our lives the past 25 years, may he rest in peace. We feel truly blessed to have gotten to know him . Our deepest sympathies Joan, Norbert, Adriana , Danielle and Natalie
Joan Benik, April 18, 2024
Betty Jean ,James ,Tyler and Chloe.
I’m so sorry for your lost deepest sympathies to you and your family during this difficult time my prayers are with you.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Ginette Bernard , April 18, 2024
All the family
I'm truly sorry for your great loss.
Your father was a great human being, may he rest in peace.
My deepest condolences to you all.

May my support
warm your heart
Henny Blom, April 18, 2024
The Boersen Family
We are so sorry for your loss. Our deepest condolences.
Brian Tucker and family.
Brian Tucker, April 18, 2024
Family of John
On behalf of the Sangers family, we offer our sincere condolences. My parents, John and Rina Sangers became good friends with John and Wil and spent a lot of time together in church, playing cards, and even travelling together to New York City and other bus trips. John’s tractor was stored at our home farm in Ayr where he could visit it on his trips out to Ayr.
John was always such a kind and interesting man and we always enjoyed seeing him when he was visiting with our parents.
We offer our condolences and hope you take comfort knowing he lived such a full life.

May my support
warm your heart
Catharine Sangers, April 19, 2024
To the Boersen and extended family
Our hearts are heavy in hearing of Jan's passing.
A man of warmth, wisdom, compassion, genuinely interested,
interesting with immense knowledge of diverse subjects,
our chats with him always had an element of enlightenment.
Our sincere sympathies to all the family members that he cherished deeply.
Mary & Henny van Doorn
MH van Doorn, April 19, 2024
Mes plus sincères condoléances Peter ainsi qu’à tes proches. Je suis navré de ne pouvoir être présent lors des hommages qui seront rendus à ton père, à plus forte raison que tu as toujours fais preuve de beaucoup d’empathie envers moi ainsi qu’envers les gens de ton entourage.
Toutes mes pensées sont avec vous.

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Louis Frechette, April 19, 2024
The John Boersen family
You described very well the man we lost, the full life he lived and the memories that remain with us.
We are sorry for your loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
Bill and Evelyn Vandenhengel, Calgary
William Vandenhengel, April 19, 2024
Toute la famille Boersen
Mes plus sincères condoléances
Adrien Blom, April 19, 2024
Family Boersen
Our deepest condoleances for the whole family boersen in canada. Our uncle Jan was for us an impressive man, with great sense of humor, inspiring stories and always a lot interest in us and our parents Karin and Johan. It was of great support he was with Willy with us at the funeral of our mother Karin and he visited us after our father died. He was so warm and full of compassion. We hope you will have a peaceful and memorial day together. With love from your cousins Jeroen and Mark van de Grift

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Mark van de Grift, April 20, 2024
Family of the Late John Boersen
Our deepest sympathies for the loss of your Dad , our prayers & thoughts are with all of you , sending hugs , Elizabeth &John

May my support
warm your heart
Elizabeth McEniry & John Nielsen, April 20, 2024
Toute la famille
Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
Ada Vrakking-Schimmel , April 20, 2024
The Boersen Family
Our deepest sympathies to all the family. Such a wonderful man. He will be greatly missed.
Tom & Kathleen Coddington, April 20, 2024
Boersen family
Dear family,
Our dearest condolences.
I will always keep the wonderful memories of ‘Ome Jan’. My family visits to Canada where we met and mostly the times he was in Achterveld.
We wish you all the strength needed and all of us will keep resharing the lovely stories from and about him.

May my support
warm your heart
Marit van den Ham - Schouten, April 20, 2024
All the family
My deepest sympathies for the loss of Mr Boersen. As a veterinarian, I met him for the first time 34 years ago on his farm and always had a great respect for this man.
Simon Verge, m.v. , April 20, 2024
Betty-Jean and family
Heartfelt sympathy for your loss. Keep your memories of him close to your heart. Sending you much love and light my dear friend. Xox

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Beverley Seguin , April 22, 2024
Betty -Jean and James and the whole family Boersen
Dear Betty-Jean and family.
We are very sorry that your dad, opa and great opa and our ome Jan passed away. We knew his health was not that good anymore but you never want to miss your beloved dad, opa and great opa.
You can be very proud of him!
He was an intelligent and interesting person.
We send our sincere condolences to you all.
He will always be in your heart.
liefs Jos en Gemma Springveld-Schouten
Gemma Springveld-Schouten, April 24, 2024
Pour Peter et Philip et à toute la famille
Nos sympathies à toute la famille
Jean et Annette Roy, April 24, 2024
Betty -Jean en James en de hele familie Boersen
Vanuit Nederland gecondoleerd met het verlies van jullie (schoon)vader en (overgroot)opa.
Moge de mooie herinneringen aan hem jullie steun geven.

May my support
warm your heart
Bep Verhoef, May 2, 2024
Jan's family
We were neighbours of Jan and Wil for 20+ years and we enjoyed his many stories. They were great neighbours. It was very sad to see them leave.
John and Donna Kunkel
John and Donna Kunkel, May 21, 2024