Hamel, Leo T. - Obituaries |

Hamel, Leo T.


1932 - 2021

The family of Leo T. Hamel announces with great sadness his passing at his home in Ville St-Laurent, QC on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, at the age of 88 years. Leo bravely finished his fight after a long struggle with diabetes. He left peacefully to go home to Jesus with the comfort of Doreen Hamel, his beloved wife and best friend of 62 years, at his bedside. Dear Dad of Leona, Francine (Murray), Leo (Bernadine), and Frankie. Cherished grandfather of Chelsea (Jason), Joey (Chantal), Amanda (Peter), and Kirstie (Chad). Proud great granddad of Carter, Aubrey, Jack, Scott, Elsbeth, Judith, Emilie and Jackson. He was predeceased by his parents Francis Hamel and Élise Fortin.  

Leo was born in Magog, QC on April 26, 1932. He was exceptionally proud to have served as a police officer, Chief of Police, Director of Police and Captain of Detectives. His more than 20 years of loyal service had him protecting such communities as Shawinigan, Sherbrooke, Omerville, Sawyerville, Lennoxville and Ascot Township. By the end of his career with the police force, he had amassed numerous awards and recognition for service and target shooting skills. Leo was also an accomplished singer and musician. He played bull bass, electric bass, and guitar. Memories of him strumming his guitar and singing his old favourites in the living room will forever remain etched in the minds and hearts of his family. Leo held such a deep love for his family and those feelings were always reflected in cards his family received from him. Most memorable and inspiring is Leo’s Christian faith. It was common to find him reading and studying the Holy Bible, highlighting passages that were especially meaningful to him, and there were many of them. Leo will be deeply missed by his family, friends and all who knew him.  

Due to COVID restrictions and other conditions, cremation will take place and the Celebration of Life and Interment will be held in Huntingville, QC at a later date. 

For those wishing, memorial donations can be made to Diabetes Canada or Diabète Québec. You are welcome to share memories and online condolences at https://casshomes.ca.  

The family wishes to send a special thank you to Dr. Robert Kaud and to the palliative care team of The Palliative home-care Society of Greater Montreal for their care and compassion.  

Thoughts of Grief, Remembrance and Love

For Dad 

Heavy are our hearts

As you are lifted up by Grace

Tho’ now beneath God’s Tender Mercy

Be your Eternal Resting Place

O, keep upon your cheek

The testimony of each, our last kiss

That in our Saviour’s Loving Embrace

They will prove how deeply you are missed

As Christ gives you His Perfect Peace

You, His Beloved Child; Home, in Paradise Above

Below, we remember, and go on with Faith

While on our hearts, we wear your love. 

We love you … always 


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36 messages received

Francine and family

So sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad, my condolences

Barb Ward, April 1, 2021

The Hamel family

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our deepest sympathies.

Marlene Harvey and family, April 1, 2021


Dear Doreen, Francine, Leona, Chelsea and family,
I am so sad for your loss! Even though I did not know Leo Hamel, I can see how much he was loved by you all. May he Rest In Peace and may God give you the strength to carry on.
What a beautiful and loving family you are!!


Lora Terlizzese, April 1, 2021

To all the family

Our deepest sympathy in the passing of Leo. Our thoughts will be with you.

Barry and Laura Deadman, April 1, 2021

Francine Hamel

Toutes mes sympathies. Je garde un très beau souvenir de ton père. Mon père et lui auront sûrement beaucoup de choses à se dire au ciel. Courage! xx

Chantal Cliche, April 1, 2021

Francine and family

My heartfelt sympathy to you, your Mom and your family.
Cherish the memories and he will live on in your heart forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Linda Hoy, April 1, 2021

The Hamel Family

So sad and so very sorry for your loss! Frankie, Francine, Mrs. Hamel, and All the Hamel Family too. He may be physically gone, but souls never leave and are forever here and always near! Thoughts and Prayers are with you all from the Aulis Family! Wishing you Peace and Comfort through these difficult moments and times. Love Family, please take care...

Betty Aulis, April 1, 2021

Leona Hamel

Words fail to express my sorrow for your loss. Please know I am with you through this difficult time. Take care

Radhika, April 1, 2021

Aunt Doreen and Family

I’m so sorry to hear of Uncle Leo’s passing. Our thoughts are with you all at this time.

Reiner Meyer , April 1, 2021

Léo et famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi Léo et la famille perdre son père est une grosse épreuve.Bon courage à vous tous.Bon souvenirs de son passage à Sawyerville .
RIP Mr Léo.

Simone et Richard Vallée , April 2, 2021

All the family

So sad to hear about your father my deepest sympathies. I have some great memories of him when lived in Sawyerville.

Tammy Bellam, April 2, 2021

the Family

Sinceres sympathies to the Family, I have so many good memories of your Father in Sawyerville.
Thinking of you all.

Lise Houle & Rainer Lowry, April 2, 2021

The Hamel Family

Our most sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences to all the

Barry and Gloria Loveland, April 2, 2021

The Hamel family

Deepest sympathies to the family.

Kenneth Coates and family , April 2, 2021

The Hamel family

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathy to everyone.

Penny Bailey, April 2, 2021

Doreen Hamel

Dear Doreen & family.
I am so sorry to hear of Leo's passing. My thoughts & prayers are with all of you at this very difficult time.

Cathy Stock, April 2, 2021

The Hamel Family

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal, Thinking of you all

Suzanne Brown, April 2, 2021

Hamel Family

Our deepest sympathy

Wayne & Pauline Thorneloe, April 2, 2021

The Family of Leo.

So sorry to hear of Leo’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. I had the pleasure of working with Leo in Lennoxville.

Hon. David Price P.C. ( Former Mayor of Lennoxville), April 2, 2021

Doreen & Family

So very sorry to hear of Leo's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very
difficult time in your life.

Doreen, I have not seen you for many years but will always remember how kind you were to me. (Daughter of Eugene & Freeda Raymond).

My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Linda Raymond Deacon , April 2, 2021

Hamel family

My deepest condolences to your family. I will always remember working with Leo at Vanier. He enjoy his work and had a very deep love and passion for music and his family.

Danielle Brown , April 2, 2021

André H

Mes sympathie à toutes votre famille désolé pour la perte et bon courage pour la suite

André H, April 2, 2021

Doreen & family

My sincerest sympathy to you all, thinking of you at this difficult time. I have many memories of our families connections from the years we were living in Sawyerville.


Sandra Bennett, April 2, 2021

Dad, Now You've Laid Your Body Down

Thy Will be done Lord, as Thy Grace takes Its course...
A kiss of peace and reconciliation I laid upon your forehead...
Our fingers held together on the edge of your sick bed...
I know, in the silence, in our looking at one another, we said all that needed to be said...
Now, All is Peace...All is Grace...
No feigned affection, for we arrived at our Truth, didn't we, Dad?
Never have I felt so close to you as I do now that you're gone
I see you walking calmly through the Lord's peaceful open fields with His cool and Healing wind blowing against your spirit, refreshing you...
Just as you had so longed and needed It to,
The Lord never refuses His children who long to be with Him,
and tho' I weep within and without,
I endure all things, alone,
For with Our Father above, we are not alone, not even in grief.
I love you Daddy,...always...
I pray for you still, for prayers are not lost on those departed...
I sing my song for you, "When I Lay My Body Down"...
Only for you...
Your son,
From the Voice of my Shadow
"Tho' weeping endures but for one night...Joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5)

Thomas, April 3, 2021

Hamel Family

My sincere condolences

Stan cross, April 3, 2021

The Hamel Family

My sincere condolences to the family. I have fond memories of your dad in Sawyerville. May all of your cherished memories help you on the difficult days.

Anita Babin (Lowry), April 3, 2021


My sympathies to all your family, sorry for the loss and good luck for the future

André H's. Son , April 3, 2021

I miss you Dad

Dad, you left us too soon...my heart is hurting and my tears are flowing for you. My heart aches for my Mom and all the family. May we be comforted with God's Grace and may we find peace in our hearts, knowing Dad is not suffering anymore and he has gone to his eternal Home with Christ, our Saviour.

Dad, you gave me years worth of memories, from teaching me guitar, singing country music together, lots of laughter, sharing your faith and quoting the Bible which you loved, trips to restaurants (you loved to eat at restaurants!), vacations together and so much more. Most of all, you gave me unconditional love, even with all my quirks. I will cherish the words to the song you used to sing to me:

Don't ever take the ribbons from your hair
Each tiny bow is tied with loving care
You're pretty as a picture and I love each precious curl
Your mommy's little problem but your daddy's little girl
(by Eddy Arnold)

I wish I could hear you sing it to me one more time....
I love you, Dad....you've gone ahead of all of us, to be with Jesus. We'll meet you there later, and you can sing that song to me again...
Love Pumpkin xoxo

Francine Hamel (Pumpkin), April 4, 2021

Toute la famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi Doreen ainsi qu’à toute ta famille. Même si nous ne nous étions pas vus depuis longtemps, on pensait et parlait souvent de vous et des beaux moments que nous avons passé ensemble à Sawyerville. Même loin des yeux, on reste près du cœur. Bon courage pour la suite.

Angèle et Pierre Beaulieu , April 5, 2021

Doreen and children

I have nice memories of Leo being supportive of and very interested in Christian youth work in the Sawyerville, Birchton, Lennoxville. He always had a positive attitude and great sense of humour. His smile was contagious.

I wish I had gotten to know his musical talent. He used to talk about Ernie Lindel, if I recall correctly.

All this being said, I want to extend my sincere condolences to each family member who is feeling this loss so keenly at this time.

Very best regards to all,

Les Picard

Les Picard, April 5, 2021

The Hamel Family

So sorry to hear this sad news. Our thoughts are with you during this sad time.

Rick & Delma Rand, April 6, 2021

Famille Hamel

C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion que j’apprends le décès de M. Hamel, mon CHAUFFEUR PRIVÉ comme aimait à le nommer ma famille.
En 1974, j’étais une petite fille de 5 ans de la municipalité de Sawyerville. J’allais à la maternelle au Sawyerville Elementary School et M. Hamel venait me chercher à la maison (chauffeur privé) pour me conduire à l’école aller-retour à chaque jour pendant toute la durée de l’année scolaire, le matin, le midi et le soir. J’ai de très beau souvenir de mes promenades en véhicule de police et parfois même il me laissait actionner les sirènes. L’année suivante, mes parents ont décidé de m’envoyer à l’école primaire à Cookshire, alors terminé le chauffeur privé. Par la suite, à chaque fois que je le rencontrais, il me saluait avec chaleur jusqu’à son départ comme policier pour la municipalité de Sawyerville. Je ne sais pourquoi il m’avait choisi mais je vous remercie beaucoup M. Hamel de cette grande gentillesse et attention à mon égard.
Votre Mademoiselle Linda!
Nos plus sincères sympathies à vous tous de toute la famille Deblois de Sawyerville.

Linda Deblois, April 6, 2021

Doreen & families

So sorry to hear of Leo's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. With love: Karen, Collin & Travis Laberee.

Karen Laberee, April 8, 2021

Until We Meet Again

I still can't believe what has happened, it's all so surreal,
I'm at a loss for words to describe the pain that I feel,
My heart aches, my head's spinning inside,
Still grappling with why, "Oh God why?"
I know the answer, I've heard it before,
And yes, I know he's not suff'ring anymore,
His body weakened by disease, he still battled on,
My Daddy, a resilient man, a man so strong,
For weeks I held onto "Miracles happen, right?"
But my precious Daddy would not win this fight,
On March 31, Daddy passed away,
Never ever will I forget that day,
My mother, sister and I at his side,
He quietly left us, this was goodbye,
It's not easy losing someone you love,
Even when it's to Heaven above,
Oh dear Papa Bear, until we meet again, please know,
That your little "Nina, la crotte" will forever love you so.

May you rest in peace, Daddy. Love always,

Leona Hamel , April 8, 2021

The Hamel Family

Our sincere sympathies to the family.

Dianne and Merlin Stanley, April 10, 2021

The Hamel Family and Frankie

Sorry for you loss. May you find peace in you sorrow.

France Thibault, May 9, 2021

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