Fréchette, Louis - Obituaries |

Fréchette, Louis


1954 - 2019

It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Louis Fréchette at the CSSS Memphremagog, on July 17th 2019, at the age of 65. Dear husband of Rose-Marie Fréchette. 

 Besides his wife, Mr Fréchette leaves to mourn his mother Maria Leone; his children:  Julie (Mike), Chantal (Nick), Brandy (Douglas) and Gerry as well as his 9 grandchildren.   He also leaves his 3 sisters Micheline, Julie and Anne-Marie, other relatives and dear friends.

Friends and family will gather at the Cass Funeral Home, 545, Dufferin St., Stanstead, QC, J0B 3E0, on Saturday, August 24th, 2019 from 2 to 4 p.m.

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Very sorry for your loss. Let us know if ever you need anything. He was a wonderful man.
Your neighbors
Clement (cj) Dominique and Easton

Dominique , July 24, 2019

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