Moquin, Luc - Obituaries |

Moquin, Luc


1936 - 2023

Luc Moquin


At Hotel Dieu hospital on August 12, 2023, Luc passed away peacefully surrounded by his family. He was in his 87th year. He was the beloved husband of Betty Rice-Moquin. He was predeceased by his father Ernest Moquin and his mother Aurore Moquin Laurendeau.

Luc leaves: his daughter Lynda (Michel), granddaughter Laurence; his step-children late Christine (Fred), Gary, late Randy (Lorna), Sandra (Craig), Darlene (Sylvain), Pamela (Jean) and Melody (Randy). He also leaves brothers and sisters Estelle (late Robert), Jean-Guy (Constance), late Normand (late Ruth), Lise, and Richard (Sylvie).

He will be missed by many other family members and friends.

Burial will take place at a later date.

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10 messages received

The family

So sorry foe your loss. Treasure your memories and know he will be with you always.
Donna Bray and Jeff Sylvester

Donna , August 16, 2023

Jean-Guy et Constance

Vous êtes en nos pensées et prières.
Que de merveilleux souvenirs demeurent en vos coeurs.
Toutes nos condoléances à vous deux ainsi que vos familles.

May my support
warm your heart
René et Mireille Pouliot , August 16, 2023

Betty and family

We are so sorry to hear that Luc is no longer with us. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time.
Gerry and Susan Munday

Susan Sterling , August 17, 2023

Famille Moquin

Nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille Moquin ainsi qu'aux proches de Luc.

Pierre et Micheline Gauthier, August 17, 2023

Betty and Family

My deepest sympathies to everyone.

Pat Leonard, August 18, 2023

The family

Our most sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the family…R.I.P. Luc

Barry and Gloria Loveland, August 18, 2023

Betty and families

Our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of need.

Mark Wright and Karen Morrison , August 18, 2023

À toute la famille,

Nos sincères condoléances.

Laurent et Liette Waite, August 20, 2023

Famille Moquin

Mes sympathies à tous la famille. Mr Moquin était un homme respectable et très gentil. Il va me manquer.

Marilyne Bélanger, August 24, 2023

Famille Moquin

Mes sympathies particulièrement à Linds

Claude Pepin, August 26, 2023

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