Colwell Bachelder, Mary Hope - Obituaries |

Colwell Bachelder, Mary Hope


1930 - 2020

Mary Hope Bachelder passed away peacefully at the Manoir de Stanstead on November 28, 2020, at the age of 90. She was the beloved wife of the late Allan Bachelder and daughter of the late Edith and Allan Colwell

She was predeceased by sister Ruth, brothers Garth, Phillip and first husband Donald Pridham. She was a dear Aunt and friend to many.

Mary approached life with great charm and good humor, a delightful ready laugh and an enquiring mind. Mary was an accomplished painter, a skilled seamstress, and a master gardener who loved to learn and to share her knowledge. She will be sorely missed by many friends, neighbors and extended family.

The family wishes to thank the Manoir Stanstead for their compassionate care of Mary in her last months. A special thanks to caregiver Angèle Trudel.

A private service will be held at a later date.

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2 messages received

All the family

I want to wish my sympathies to all the family and friend of Mary. It was really a honnor for me to take care of Mary. I keep all the time i pass with you in my mind.

Angèle Trudel, December 1, 2020

Mary Hope

We are sorry to hear about her passing. We did not have the chance to get to know her well but she will be missed as our neighbour. She was a very lovely and humourous person. May she rest in peace.
Sebastian, Chris, Jochen and Conny Fricke

Conny Fricke, December 6, 2020

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