10 messages received
Anne and Rachel
A good heart has stopped beating. Mike was a great friend and he will be forever missed.

May my support
warm your heart
Debbie Johnston, November 14, 2024
Anne and Rachel
Mike will always have a special place in the hearts of all of those who loved him. I will sorely miss the music, conversations, and good times we all shared together with Mike, the one and only. Sending Anne and Rachel my love and support during these difficult times. xoxo
Susan LeBrun, November 15, 2024
Anne et Rachel
En pensée au-delà des mers proche de vous…
Dominique, November 15, 2024
Anne et Rachel
nos plus sincères condoléances, nous garderons un très bon
souvenir de Michael . Qu'il repose en paix.

May my support
warm your heart
Daniel et Johanne Bombardier, Maricourt, November 16, 2024
Mme Pochat
Mes sincères condoléances
Micheline Proulx, November 16, 2024
Ann and Rachael and Mike’s friends
Except for about 13 years, Mike and I have been friends for our whole lives.
Silly episodes come to mind when I think about him, like when I was 13 and trying to learn to drive, he was the one willing to drive up and down an old dusty road with me, and quietly and kindly suggesting that “maybe you should take it out of first gear Gail.”
Or that during the Flower Power era of the 60s I would embroider flowers all over his jeans and boast about how indestructible my handiwork was. Without laughing at me, he almost always returned them the next day with even bigger holes
In high school, one time we decided to run away to Montreal, but that idea lasted until we reached the other side the bridge. Details like - no money, and no idea where my aunt lived in the city sort of put an end to that.
After graduation, the whole Richmond-ite gang moved to Montreal. Then, after years of antics, an apartment aptly christened “Horrible Hall”, on Laurier Street in Montreal, fell under Michael’s management. For years it was my safe place in the world, it was where I knew, without a doubt that I was welcome - anytime. In fact, everyone he knew was welcomed. AND during those years that cast of characters that dropped by were always fascinating.
He was an innovator, designer, and ultimately a true artist. But with such an individual nature, what else could he be except - an artist? Well, how about the mayor of Maricourt? Why not?
It was so easy to see the profound importance of Ann, Mike's life partner, and Rachael his daughter. It was immeasurable. They were the icing on his cake, the peace, the joy and the magic of his life.
Mike is such a loss to all of us and I can’t really believe that he has wandered off the stage.
Good bye my friend? See you later?
Except for about 13 years, Mike and I have been friends for our whole lives.
Silly episodes come to mind when I think about him, like when I was 13 and trying to learn to drive, he was the one willing to drive up and down an old dusty road with me, and quietly and kindly suggesting that “maybe you should take it out of first gear Gail.”
Or that during the Flower Power era of the 60s I would embroider flowers all over his jeans and boast about how indestructible my handiwork was. Without laughing at me, he almost always returned them the next day with even bigger holes
In high school, one time we decided to run away to Montreal, but that idea lasted until we reached the other side the bridge. Details like - no money, and no idea where my aunt lived in the city sort of put an end to that.
After graduation, the whole Richmond-ite gang moved to Montreal. Then, after years of antics, an apartment aptly christened “Horrible Hall”, on Laurier Street in Montreal, fell under Michael’s management. For years it was my safe place in the world, it was where I knew, without a doubt that I was welcome - anytime. In fact, everyone he knew was welcomed. AND during those years that cast of characters that dropped by were always fascinating.
He was an innovator, designer, and ultimately a true artist. But with such an individual nature, what else could he be except - an artist? Well, how about the mayor of Maricourt? Why not?
It was so easy to see the profound importance of Ann, Mike's life partner, and Rachael his daughter. It was immeasurable. They were the icing on his cake, the peace, the joy and the magic of his life.
Mike is such a loss to all of us and I can’t really believe that he has wandered off the stage.
Good bye my friend? See you later?
Gail Picken, November 16, 2024
Anne Pochat et votre fille Rachel
mes sincères condoléances pour le décès de Michael, je l'ai connu quand il a été élu maire de Maricourt pour 2 termes de 4 ans . Anne, tu étais conseillère municipale à Maricourt . J'ai de bons souvenirs de Mike surtout son manteau en CUIR bleu quand il a fait son secondaire . bon courage et mes pensées positives pour vous deux.
France L Maurice Saint-Claude, November 17, 2024
A la famille
Nos sympathies à toute la famille.

May my support
warm your heart
Michel Daigneault , November 19, 2024
Anne and Rachel
Michael was a long time, significant friend to me . I knew him as intelligent, unassuming , perceptive and kind . He was eclectic; a
builder, an artist, a thinker with a sharp wit, yet remained humble and kind. He knew darkness and he owned it because he was a true and gentle soul. He was the most authentic , no bs. person I have known.
Sending u warm thoughts , gentle wind

May my support
warm your heart
Alana Doyle , November 20, 2024
Rachel and Anne, family and friends
Sincere sympathy to Rachel, Anne, family, friends and to all who had the priviledge of meeting/knowing Michael Selby

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Vivian Morrissey Fleury, November 23, 2024