Wallace McVety Lowry, Mildred - Obituaries |

Wallace McVety Lowry, Mildred


1916 - 2020

Mildred Wallace McVety Lowry

Passed away peacefully at Grace Village on June 17, 2020 in her 104th year. Beloved wife of the late Chilston Lowry and the late George McVety. Mildred was the loving mother of Lynda (Bill Raymond) and Robert (Shirley-Ann Hyatt), grandmother to Mark (Amanda), Chrystal (Stephen), Chris (Rose) and Kevin (Caitlyn) and great-nannie to Zander, Charlotte, Jaxson, Sophia, Cole, Dustin, Anika and Bree-Ann. Mildred was the step-mother to Donna (Raymond McConnell), Kay (late Gary Richards), Keith (Myrna MacDonald), Margaret (Lloyd Burgess), Laura (Dave Roy), Cheryl (Brian Morrison), Charlene (Ross Mackey), Joyce (Mike McComb), Anita (Bruce Babin), Tina (Paul Poudrier), Rhoda (Mike Dawson), and Andrea (Daniel Desmarais). Mildred will be fondly remembered by her 40 step-grandchildren, 33 step-great-grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews and friends.

Mildred was predeceased by her siblings Russell, Richard, Royce, Pearl and Alma.

A private graveside service will be held at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Huntingville Protestant Cemetery (P.O Box 325, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 1Z5) would be appreciated by the family.

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All famly members .

Our sincere Sympathies , a wonderful loving person , Mildred will be missed by many !

Kelly + linda, June 19, 2020

Reverend Blair Ross

My sincere sympathies to Robert and the rest of the family.
Many years ago George hired me for the summer. Mildred gave a warm welcome everyone who visited to the farm. She was a great cook and a very fine and loving person.
I will remember on All Soul's Day.

Reverend Blair Ross.

Reverend Blair Ross, June 19, 2020

The family of Aunt Mildred

Nobody could dance the jig like my Aunt Mildred. The delight on her face will never be forgotten.
We will miss you Aunt Mildred.
Lots of love
Graham, Kathy and family and Karen

KATHY COBB, June 20, 2020

À toute la famille de Mildred

Nos sincères condoléances à tous les membres de la famille élargie de cette femme si formidable.

Marc et Pauline Poudrier, June 20, 2020


I am sorry to hear about your mom,she always had a smile for me,,

Linda Vaillancourt,, June 21, 2020

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