Troelstrup, Neil - Obituaries |

Troelstrup, Neil


1956 - 2021

It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Neil Troelstrup at the age of 64.

He leaves to mourn his passing, his soulmate, Sylvie; his sons: Ryan (Cherell) and Derek; his siblings: Nancy (Roger), Rachel (Vilmont), Mark (Lisa), Diane (John), Lynne (Tom) and Bonnie (Steve Coutier); his parents in law: Claude and Denise Grenier, his sister-in-law: Josée (Mike) as well as countless friends and family.

He was predeceased by his father Charles, mother Marielle, stepfather Robert Laro, his brother Rob and his nephew Christos.

Neil was the ultimate husband and father; his family was the most important thing in his life. He loved when his siblings came to visit from across Canada and was always a super host. Neil had recently retired and had so many plans for the future. He loved traveling and especially to Cuba, where Neil and Sylvie developed lifelong friendships with their “Cuban family”.

Neil loved riding his motorcycle, he had recently bought an E-bike as many of his friends had and was joking they should start a bike gang and called themselves the “Green Machines”. He was a social butterfly; always looked forward to an evening out with Sylvie to be with friends and make people laugh with his endless jokes and one-liners, and of course to have a pint of Belgian Moon (with 3 oranges), a glass of wine and the occasional Shooooooter!!

He had some very close friends and know that he loved you all. Neil was the gold standard of a husband, son, father and friend. We will always remember him and his big, beautiful heart.

In memory of Neil, donations to the CAB Rediker, 112 Principal street, Stanstead, QC, J0B 3E5, or to Phelps Help, 272 Rue Dufferin, Stanstead, QC, J0B 3E2, would be appreciated as Neil believed these two organizations were important to his community.

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Sylvie, Ryan,Derek and all who knew and loved Neil.

Words alone cannot express how sorry we were to learn of the sudden passing of Neil. He was loved by so many and he will be greatly missed. Please accept our deepest sympathy and know that our thoughts are with you during this very difficult time of your lives. Neil has probably already organized an angel motorcycle gang in heaven called the Heavenly Green Machines .....

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, May 12, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan ,and Derek, and Neil's best friends.

To lose such a wonderful person as Neil is one of the most painful experiences that those close to him will ever have to endure. I am sure that the past few days have re-enforced to you the amount of love and respect he generated from family and friends. He had a true gift in his ability to put a smile on people's faces. I was so fortunate and proud to call him my brother. We had to let go but those great memories will be with us for our lifetimes.

Mark & Lisa Troelstrup, May 12, 2021

Troelstrup family

I would like to exprime my deepest sympathy for the lost of a real gentleman and a very special fellow that will remain into my hearth forever. Your cousin Gaétan and wife Mireille.

Gaétan Duval, May 12, 2021

Sylvie et la famille

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères sympathies. Il a rendu l'âme trop tôt. Nous prions pour toi et ta famille.

Monique and Paul Pépin, May 12, 2021

Sylvie,Ryan and Derek

We were so sad to hear of Neil's passing!
We are very sorry for your loss, our most sincere condolences.
You are in our thoughts
Ann Comeau & Allem Mueller

Ann Comeau, May 12, 2021

Sylvie et famille

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Neil. Bon courage à vous tous.

Claude et Cécile Roy, May 12, 2021

Sylvie Ryan Derek

Our thoughts are with you in theses difficult times. So sorry for your loss. It will be strange not seeing him walk or bike by anymore. You all take care!

Dominique Morin, Clément Surprenant and Easton, May 12, 2021

Chers Sylvie, Ryan et Derek,

Je vous fais part de ma profonde sympathie pour le décès de Neil.
Gone too soon. May all the loving memories and good laugh you shared with Neil brings you comfort during this difficult time. You are im my thoughts. Bon courage à tous.

Hélène Gosselin, May 12, 2021

La famille

Mes plus sincères condoléances, mes pensées vous accompagnent

Guylaine Gagnon , May 12, 2021

Sylvie and family

Our sincere sympathy. Our thoughts are with all of you.

Keith & Lucerne Leney, May 12, 2021

Sylvie & family.

Toutes mes condoléances. Mes pensées vous accompagnent.

Diane Gosselin, May 12, 2021


I'm so sorry for your loss of Neil, He was a good friend to many people and will really be missed. I got to see him a few years back at a reunion at the legion , he actually looked the same as when I remembered from many years ago.

Cathie Sisco-Menezes, May 12, 2021

Sylvie and family

Dear Sylvie &Family
My deepest sympathy in the passing of Neil
God Bless

Monique Charland, May 12, 2021

Sylvie Ryan Derrick and family

Serge and charity Scrosati are so sorry I your loss.

Serge and chat, May 12, 2021

Sylvie and family

So sorry to hear of Neil's passing. Our sincerest sympathies. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Diane Fisher & Dwayne Keeler, May 12, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, Derek, Claude, Denise and Neil's extended family

Nos plus sincere condoléances. Nos pensées sont avec vous tous. I have fond memories of laughing it up with him during family gatherings, Neil was a good man and he will be missed by all.

Marc, Lynn et Madeleine.

Marc Grenier, May 12, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan & Derek.

Cathy and I would like to offer our sincere condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Paul Stuart & Cathy Carbonneau, May 12, 2021

Sylvie and family

My deepest sympathy ❤️ Sending you love and light

Hélène , May 12, 2021

Dear Sylvie, Ryan and Derek and families

My deepest sympathy for your loss. May all of your memories help you get through this very challenging time. I was very saddened to hear the news. Wishing you strength and peace. My thoughts are with all of you.

-Kathryn Standish and family, May 12, 2021

Sylvie and family

My sympathies to you all❤️

Carmen Lacroix, May 12, 2021


Our best thoughts to all family and friends at this time.
# RIP Neil

Kimball & Lisa

Kimball Smith, May 12, 2021

Sylvie, sons and family.

I wish to express my deepest sympathies . My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Lise Carbonneau, May 12, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan and Derek

We are all completely devastated over this heartbreaking loss. Neil has always been the most amazing brother (okay, well not when he stuck his finger in my Apple pie and said “Are you going to eat this?” - but he was only 9 so I will let that one slide). But seriously, no one could ever hope for a better brother, son, husband, dad or friend than Neil. I loved him completely. Always a joker, crazy about his family and friends and a real joy to be with. I miss him so much! Losing a loved one during a global pandemic is especially tragic. How I long to hug Sylvie, Ryan and Derek and be wrapped in the comfort of family and friends! Even though I left the Eastern Townships in 1973, the Three Villages has always been home and Neil and his family are the connection that pulls me home. Neil was a wonderful man who cherished his family and friends. I believe the richness of life can be counted in the people who love you. In that Neil was rich beyond measure, with a beautiful wife and two spectacular sons, and tons of family and friends who adored him. I will miss him for the rest of my life, but I believe we will meet again someday. I love you Neil. No doubt you already have them laughing in heaven. I hope there’s free beer up there at least. So glad God chose you to be my brother.

Lynne Wheeler, May 12, 2021

Sylvie,Ryan and Derek

My deepest sympathy for your loss.
Neil was a great friend always made me smile .

Steven & joanne Davis, May 12, 2021

Neil's family and friendss

It's been years since I've seen Neil but he was unforgettable, the Troelstrup Family are all dear to me. To Sylvie, Derek and Ryan thoughts and prayers are with you, to Neil's siblings, families and close friends may his humour carry you through the difficult days ahead and bring a smile to your lips forever more....gone to soon,

Jocelyne Pepin Young, May 12, 2021

Sylvie and families

My deepest sympathies to you all.

Pauline Roger , May 12, 2021

Sylvie and the boys

We are thinking of you during this difficult time, our deepest sympathies to you and the boys. I'm sure he is having a cold one with dad.
Sending love and hugs
Darlene and Darryl

Darlene , May 13, 2021

The Family

My deepest sympathies

Lee Dezan, May 13, 2021


I am so sorry for your loss, Neil certainly made going to work much easier for us all, he had a way to make us laugh and forget about are daily struggles. He will definitely be missed but not forgotten. Stay strong Sylvie we are all sending you courage to get through this tough time.

Jody chamberlain, May 13, 2021

Sylvie & family

Our deepest sympathie and thoughts are you with you in this difficult time, sending you a virtual hug Toaster
Lucille (Loosewheel) & Rejean Corriveau

Lucille Dutil, May 13, 2021

Troelstrup family

My deepest condolences to the whole family

Percy Smith , May 13, 2021

Troelstrup family

We would like to express our sympathy to the family in the loss if Neil.

Sharon and Junior Camber

Sharon Hornby, May 13, 2021


Quel choc d’apprendre le décès de Neil. Il est parti trop jeune, trop vite.
Je suis de tout coeur avec toi, ta famille et amis.
Mes plus sincères sympathies.

Andrée Ferland et Mario Pruneau, May 13, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan and Derek

Our deepest sympathies for your lost. You are in our thoughts. He will really be missed. He was always fun to be around. I have so many good memories.

Byron and Marilyn Brown, May 13, 2021

The Family

Sympathy to Sylvie and all the family.. Bob and Kathy Alger

Kathy Alger, May 13, 2021

Sylvie et familles

Nos plus sincères sympathies.

Guy & Joanne Labbé, May 13, 2021

Sylvie and boys

So sad to hear this news, please know that John and I are thinking of you all and praying for you.

John and Laura Gobeil, May 13, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, Derek and the families

We were so saddened to hear of Neil's sudden passing. We both have great memories of having known Neil, and growing up around the 3 Villages. You are all in our thoughts. It is, for sure, a very difficult time for you. You all have great friends, thinking about you and there to offer support. With our sincere sympathy, Jeff and Bonnie

Jeff and Bonnie Goodsell, May 13, 2021

Sylvie,Ryan,Derek; Claude et Denise; Josée et Michael

Mes plus sincères sympathies en cette dure épreuve. Vous êtes dans mes pensées, bon courage!

Lise Duquette, May 13, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan & Derek

So sorry for you loss.
Thinking of you all

Christine Allard et Guy Ouellet, May 13, 2021

Sylvia and all the family,

Our deepest Condolences to you all. Our thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Rest In Peace Neil.

Buster & Louise McComb, May 13, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan ,and Derek,

We were so sad to hear of Neil’s passing. Our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Tracey ,Gaston morin, May 13, 2021

Sylvie ,Ryan and Derek and families

So sorry for the loss of Neil , Thinking of u all,, R.I.P Neil , Sylvie big HUGS , I was just chatting with the neil other day about coivd and that he was Retiring and he said cecil must be also,, i told him u boys are getting old , He laughed so much cant believe he is gone,,

Cecil,,Cheryl and our family xo, May 13, 2021

Cherell & famille

Toutes mes sympathies Cherell ainsi qu’à ta famille. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous.

Chantal Langlois , May 14, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, Derek Troelstrup

Nous souhaîtons nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille de Neil. Nous avons
été extrêmement peinés d'apprendre le décès de Neil que nous aimions bien et avons toujours apprécié grandement sa présence lors de nos rencontres familiales. Nos pensées accompagnent toute la famille en ce temps très difficiles.

Nicole et Jean Grenier, May 14, 2021

Sylvie et la famille

Je pense à toi en cette période difficile. Je souhaite que les bons souvenirs t'aident à voir plus clair dans la brume de la douleur que tu ressens . J'aimerais savoir quoi dire mais les mots ne suffisent. La vie nous apprend beaucoup mais jamais elle ne nous prépare à une perte si difficile. Toutes nos pensées sont avec toi et ta famille chère Sylvie ,en cette période de deuil.

La vie nous apprend beaucoup mais jamais elle ne nous prépare à une perte si difficile. Toutes nos pensées sont avec vous en cette période de deuil.

Leonie Madore, May 14, 2021

Sylvie et famille

Mes plus sincères sympathies à toi ainsi qu’à toute te famille

Sylvain Ferland 15 mai 2021 , May 15, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, and Derek

We are so saddened by Neil’s passing. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We will always remember Neil and our wonderful times together, especially during our hockey days. Sending our love and hugs.
With our deepest sympathy,
The Donnellys

Sue Donnelly, May 15, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, Derek, Denise et Claude, Josée et Michael

Chère petite cousine, il n'y a pas de mots pour exprimer à quel point nous sommes affligés par la dure perte que vous vivez. Nous espérons simplement que notre sympathie vous apportera un certain apaisement, la force et le courage pour surmonter ces temps difficiles.

Thérèse Gaulin et Gérard Grenier, May 15, 2021


C'est avec une si grande tristesse que je te transmet toutes mes sincères sympathies Sylvie. Quel choc. Le jour de votre mariage, j'avais 14 ans. J'ai dansé avec Neil et je lui ai dit: I hope you will be happy with my cousin. Il m'a répondu: I am the happiest man on earth with Sylvie and I will be till the day I die. Sa sincérité m'avait marqué. Sending all my love to you, Ryan and Derek

May my support
warm your heart
Sophie Grenier, May 15, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan , Derek et la Famille

Toutes mes sympathies dans cette épreuve difficile .

Les souvenirs de sa bonne humeur resteront avec vous pour toujours. Neil était un bon vivant et il ne manquait jamais une occasion pour bien rigoler lorsqu’on se voyait.

Bertrand Gosselin, May 16, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, Derek et famille

Sincères sympathies à vous tous. Bon courage.

Normande et Denis Ferland , May 17, 2021

Sylvie, Ryan, Derek, all family and the enormous circle of friends who all loved Neil.

Words cannot express our overwhelming shock and grief over Neil’s sudden passing.
Neil checked all the boxes,,,,, awesome family man and husband who made sure his lovely wife Sylvie, the love of his life, was proudly on his arm for their weekly date night. (love that)… Dad ever and he was not only a fun Dad but was forever supportive to Ryan and Derek and there was never any doubt in their minds how loved they were and how proud their Dad was of them. Neil was an incredible brother who was always so delighted to spend time with his brother and sisters from across the country and who always made sure we had lots of fun adventures together. I loved how he was always so genuinely happy and always had some hilarious stories to share. Neil was the ‘Neilster’ to me . (‘: We all shared a poor but rich childhood that brought us close together and gave us character and grit thanks to our amazing and incredibly strong Mom.
Neil had a big big heart and was a magnet for forging friendships of any gender or generation. He had an incredible following of life long friends (they could write a book on their comical account of their countless stories) as well as friends he continually adopted along the way. He really did have the ability to put himself in the other person’s shoes and even if he couldn’t quite relate or understand them initially, he came around and then the mutual friendship followed.
Neil was wonderfully unique but if I had to compare him to someone it would combination of John Wayne and Kurt Russell. (Kurt and Goldie Hawn have been together 37 years and have the same sparkly and humorous relationship that Neil and Sylvie enjoyed)
We all look forward to our our wonderful celebration of life for Neil when we all have safe passage. It has been so difficult to not be on the first plane out after it happened. It will be like no other celebration! There will be an abundance of belly laughs, shared stories of the antics of Neil , great music, dancing and great food! To Neil, the iconic Dad, husband, brother , true blue friend, and so uniquely Neil!

Bonnie & Steve Cloutier, May 19, 2021

Sylvie and family

Our deepest on your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Terry and Susan, May 21, 2021


Good morning Sylvie,
This is a difficult time for you and the boys.

Life isl difficult because we rely on our partner so much.

Louise and I wish you a happy birthday even as the events don't help.

Louise and Ray xoxoxo

Raymond Loiselle, May 24, 2021

Sylvie and the family

I am so sorry for your lost! Vous avez su marquer votre passage dans ma vie.! Neil was a great personnage , i will have his smile in my head for ever!

Keep your smile Sylvie....

Cindy Breton, May 26, 2021

Josée et Sylvie Grenier

Mes sympathies à sa famille et belle-famille

Georges Paquet, May 30, 2021

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