Edgecombe Bienvenu, Olga - Obituaries |

Edgecombe Bienvenu, Olga



peacefully at the IUGS St. Vincent Pavillon, Sherbrooke, Qc Febraury 26th 2005 . Olga Gwen Edgecombe at the age of 84, leaves to mourn, her sister Audrey (the late Cy Sedore ), her nieces and nephews: Louis Bureau, Yolande Roxanne Bureau, Michele Bureau ( Pierre-Paul Dion ), Claire Bureau, Anne Bureau ( Ignac Jakovac ), Bill Street, Carol Street and Bob Street also many other relatives and friends. Olga was the sister of the late Ruth ( the late Yvan L. Bureau ) . Resting at the Cass Funeral Home, 6 Belvidere, Lennoxville, Qc where family and friends may visit on Tuesday, March 1st 2005 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9pm and on Wednesday , March 2nd 2005 from 10 to 10:30 am followed by the funeral service at 11:00am in St. Jean Baptiste Church on Conseil St., Sherbrooke. Interment in the spring in Eaton Cemetery. The family would like to thank the devoted personal at the IUGS St. Vincent Pavillon for the excellent care of Olga. As memorial tributes, donations to Multiple Sclerosis Association would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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