Vanasse (Cormier), Origène et Marie-Jeanne - Obituaries |

Vanasse (Cormier), Origène et Marie-Jeanne

VANASSE (CORMIER), Origène et Marie-Jeanne


It is with regret that we inform you of the deaths of Mr. Origène Vanasse and his wife, Mrs. Marie-Jeanne Cormier, which occurred on Monday March 4, 2024 at the respective ages of 93 and 94. They lived in Stanstead, formerly Orléans, Vermont, USA.

They are survived by their children: Carmen (late Dino Young), Michel, Gaston (Gail Ingersoll) and Donald (Susan Patenaude). They were the parents of the late Denis (Amber Bickford). Also survived by several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The brothers and sisters of the Vanasse family: Réal (Liette Grenier), Dolorès (Robert Roy), Rosaire (late Gisèle Carrier) (Louise Nadeau), Denise (late Yvon Cardin), Lise (Raoul Lapré), Gisèle (Paul Bédard), Paul-Émile (Suzanne Labrecque), Juliette and Yvan (Jocelyne Boivin). They were the brother and sister-in-law of the late Renaud (the late Marielle Labbé), the late Gaétane (the late Ludger Payeur) and the late Gérard.

The brothers and sisters of the Cormier family: Thérèse (late Rolland Lemerise), Normand (late Bella Carignan) (Clémence Madore), Philippe (Lisette (Louise) Viel) and Pauline (late Denis Lauzon). They were the sister and brother-in-law of the late Rolland (the late Gisèle Carignan) (Thérèse Turcotte), the late Rose-Aimée (the late Rosaire Rodrigue), the late Simonne (the late Roger Fontaine), the late Roger (the late Ginette Jubinville) and the late Denis (Madeleine Cotnoir).

Also several nephews, nieces, cousins, other relatives and friends.

The family would like to thank the staff at Stanstead Manor for the excellent care provided to their parents.

The family will receive condolences at Curtis Britch Funeral Home,, Friday April 5 at 9 a.m, a ceremony will follow à 11 : 30 a.m at the St-Edward Church, Paris Hall, at Derby Line, VT, USA.


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8 messages received

Familles Vanasse & Cormier

Que de grands souvenirs demeurent en vos cœurs à jamais.
Toutes nos condoléances.

May my support
warm your heart
Mireille "Routhier" & René Pouliot , March 6, 2024

La famille de Marie-Jeanne Cormier

J'adresse mes sinceres condoleances en cette periode de chagrin. La Bible donne un espoir reconfortant et promet que votre bien-aime revivra dans un paradis paisible sur la terre ou la mort n'existera plus. (Jean 5:28, 29; Revelation 21:4)

Gail Ellis , March 6, 2024

La famille vanasse&Cormier

Mes condoléances à la famille Vanasse ainsi que la famille Cormier

May my support
warm your heart
Manonlabrecque DanielGroulx, March 6, 2024

Aux familles éprouvées

Sincères condoléances à vous, nos prières vous accompagnent.

Florence et Rosaire Roy, March 6, 2024

Donald and family

I can not express my deepest sympathy enough to you and your family.
We all at Manoir Stanstead loved your parents. We are all so heart broken

May my support
warm your heart
Donna Rolfe, March 6, 2024


I would like to express my deepest sympathies to the family. I was fortunate to meet Marie-Jeanne at The Manior 3 years ago when I started working there. She was an amazing woman and brought joy, smiles, and laughter to everyone she came in contact with. I will always have sweet memories of her and I am sure that Heaven will shine brighter because of her beautiful soul. May they both rest in peace.

May my support
warm your heart
Tammy Tetreault , March 6, 2024

Les familles Vanasse et Cormier

Nos sincères sympathies et nos pensées sont avec vous.

May my support
warm your heart
Lisette Cartier, Jocelyn Doyon et Hélène Cardin, March 7, 2024

Donald and family

My deepest sympathies to you and your family . My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of sorrow.

Penny Guilbault , March 12, 2024

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