Voisard, Paul - Obituaries |

Voisard, Paul


1942 - 2021

At Fleurimont CHUS hospital, Paul passed away peacefully on March 22, 2021.

He leaves to mourn his wife Yvette (52 years) and his two sons, Shane (Michelle Gibson) and Jason (Lara Holmes) and four grand-daughters Riley, Abby, Kiera and Alexie: his sister Louise of Sherbrooke and two nieces Cathy and Mary of Montreal and their respective families. Also mourning are the many in-laws, Cecile, Jeanne, Jeannette, Marcel and Lillian, all of Nova Scotia.

I wish to thank the ambulance paramedics of Richmond as well as the Staff at the ICU (Dr. Marie and Nurse Sebastian), for the care given to Paul.

Following Paul's wishes, cremation will take place and there will be no funeral services.

Thank you to our many friends and acquaintances for your thoughts and prayers.

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31 messages received

Voisard family

My deepest sympathy on the passing of Mr. Voisard. I was fortunate enough to have him for my grade 7 teacher the first year RRHS had French immersion. He surely left a lasting impression and was a favourite.

Gail Lockwood Lotton, March 25, 2021

To all the Voisard family

My deepest sympathies to you all. It's never easy loosing a loved one. a father .
He will be deeply missed.

Timothy Later, March 25, 2021

To all the Voisard family

My deepest sympathies to you all. It's never easy loosing a loved one. a father .
He will be deeply missed.

Timothy Later, March 25, 2021

Yvette and the Family

Sorry to hear of the passing of Paul. He was a great teaching colleague and I enjoyed the many years we had together at RRHS. I send my prayers and sympathy to all the family. He will be greatly missed.

Wayne Mellish, March 26, 2021

Yvette, Shane, Jason, and families

Anne and I were deeply sadden to learn of Paul's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Donald Nixon, March 26, 2021

La famille

Mes plus sinceres sympathie, Paul fut un compagnon de tennis durant quelque années, et surtout a Lennoxville

jacques gregoire, March 26, 2021

Yvette, Shane et Jason

Mes sympathies les plus sincères à vous tous. C’est avec regret que j’ai appris le décès de Paul. Je garde de bons souvenirs de Paul en tant que collègue à RRHS... Perdre un membre de notre famille est très difficile.... Mes pensées sont avec vous.

Diane St Sauveur, March 26, 2021


So sorry to hear about your loss. Have fond memories of him from school and ball field. Keeping all the family in my prayers.

Lisa Fowler, March 26, 2021


My sympathies to the family.
What a great teacher and person M Voisard was . He had so much respect from all his students because of how he could listen and respect us all. Lots of nice memories through high school with him .

Jason Wheeler
Class of 90

Jason Wheeler, March 26, 2021

Mr. Voisard's family

Deepest sympathy to you all.

Jean Storry, March 26, 2021


I am sending you a big hug. Met Paul just once at someone's 80th birthday party. I was able to put a face to the man you so fondly referred to so often. Memories of your time together will always be there. My sympathies to you and your family.

Rosemary Turmel, March 26, 2021

Paul Voisard

My sincerest sympathies he was an awesome teacher xoxo

Shirley Pettigrew, March 26, 2021

Paul Voisard

My sincerest sympathies he was an awesome teacher xoxo

Shirley Pettigrew, March 26, 2021

Mrs. Voisard, Shane, Jason

So sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to the entire family. I have fond memories of one of the greatest teachers at RRHS. He was the kind of teacher that impacted his students’ future. Mrs Voisard, I am sending you virtual hugs during these difficult times. May he Rest In Peace.

Nathalie Ouellet, March 26, 2021


Mes plus sincères condoléances,à toi et ta famille.
pierrette léger

pierrette léger, March 26, 2021

The Voisard family and friends

He was my history teacher, and a great one at that! I was just speaking about him just the other day and memories of his class...he will be missed. My deepest sympathies to you all.

Theresa Philbrick, March 26, 2021

Mrs.Voisard ,Shane and Jason..and family

My deepest sympathies to all of you. Many fond memories mr.Voisard gave me My 1st A in economics class.. which i was so proud of which was posted to my mother's fridge i'll never forget.
Carrie-Anne Cross
class of 89

Carrie-Anne Cross, March 26, 2021

To the Voisard family and friends

I loved him! He was a bright light in my high school years. He treated everyone with kindness and brought the subjects to life. I felt special in his classes. I will never forget that when he taught us about inflation, he told us that if the rate remained at the current rate, than in 2015 a can of coke could cost $6! I know that is a silly thing to remember, but it shows how great he was at making knowledge applicable in our lives.

My sincerest condolences for your loss!

Valerie Laplante, March 26, 2021

Yvette, Shane, Jason et proches

Mes plus sinceres sympathies a vous tous. C'est avec grand chagrin et surprise que j'ai appris la triste nouvelle. J'ai eu le plaisir d'etre au service de ce gentil homme durant plusieurs annees.

Charles Powell, March 26, 2021

Yvette and family

My deepest sympathies to you and the family. Paul was a wonderful colleague and friend during my time at RRHS.

Jeff Pauw, March 27, 2021

Mrs. Voisard And family

We’d like to offer our sympathies to the Voisard family. Mr. Voisard was a great teacher with a great sense of humour. He will be missed

Jennifer Patrick and Rickey Dwyer , March 27, 2021

Yvette et toute la famille

Toutes nos sympathies à chacun. Nous vous gardons dans nos prières et que les souvenirs de Paul soient une consolation dans votre coeur.
Carole Voisard (fille de Georges) et mon conjoint Serge Roy

Carole Voisard, March 27, 2021

Jason et Lara

À vous deux Lara et Jason, à votre famille et à ceux qui vous sont proches, mes plus sincères sympathies.

Laurent Gingras , March 27, 2021

The Voisard Family

My deepest condolences for your loss. I am certain many will agree that he was one of the best and most influential teachers RRHS had to offer. He certainly made a difference in the world.

Mike Philbrick, March 27, 2021

Mme Voisard

Que Dieu vous donne la force et le courage pour surmonter ces heures difficiles. Mes sincères sympathies Mme Voisard, Shane et Jason ainsi qu’à la famille xxx

Pierrette Samson , March 28, 2021

la famille voisardt

toutes mes sympathies que de bon souvenir au golf et balle avec les old timer

YVON leclerc, March 28, 2021

Yvette, Shane, Jason et toute la famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances à vous tous dans cette épreuve douloureuse. Nos pensées vous accompagnent!

Denis Vigneault (et Annie) ainsi que mes parents Roger et Denise, March 29, 2021

The Voisard family

My deepest sympathies to you. Mr. Voisard was a wonderful French immersion teacher. He was always so patient and helpful. He will be deeply missed.

Vicki Lancaster, March 29, 2021

Mrs. Voisard, Shane, Jason and families

My sympathies to all of you during this difficult time. Mr. Voisard was such a great teacher, one of my favourites! Lots of fond memories of French immersion and anthropology classes. My Dad sends along his sympathies as well.

Erin Mallory, April 5, 2021

spécialement à Yvette, et à sa famille.

malgré le fait que je ne vous ai pas beaucoup fréquenté, les enfants d'Égide sont mes parents. toutes mes condoléances, et je t'envoie mes meilleures pensées pour t'aider à surmonter cette dure épreuve. Louis Hébert, Pierrette et Victor

louis Hébert, May 5, 2021

Paul & Family

He was one of the good guys.

Connie Chabot, June 28, 2021

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