Dagenais, Raymond - Obituaries |

Dagenais, Raymond



In memory of Raymond Dagenais, loving husband of Veronica (Ronnie) Dagenais, please be advised that Raymond passed away unexpectedly at his home in Danville, Quebec, Canada, on the morning of July 5, 2005, while on annual leave from his professional responsibilities in Mali, Africa.. Raymond is mourned by his family and leaves a deep sense of loss and emptiness within all of us who loved him unconditionally and saw, in him, strength that we wished we had more of in this moment of sadness. Raymond’s remains will be exposed on Thursday July 7, between 19h00 and 21h00 and Friday July 8, between 14h00 and 16h00 and between 19h00 and 21h00, at the Cass Funeral Homes (819) 826-2502 / www.casshomes.ca on 295 Main Street South, Richmond, Quebec. Funeral services will be held at Église Ste-Bibiane, 970 rue Principale Nord, Richmond on Saturday July 9 at 11h00.. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Heart Foundation would be most appreciated. Raymond is survived by his wife Ronnie Dagenais, his son Mike, his brother Mario, daugther-in-law Gail, brother-in-law O’Leary, sisters-in-law Mimi and Diane, nephew Sebastian and grandchildren Vanessa and Brianne.

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