Davidson, Ross - Obituaries |

Davidson, Ross


1929 - 2021

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ross Davidson on Feburary 19th 2021 at the age of 91.

Due to cicumstances surrounding the pandemic, a graveside service will be held at a later date.

Ross leaves to mourn his beloved wife, Jean Davidson. His children Darleen (Mario), late Edward (Patricia), Eric (Heather). His grandchildren Tina (Peter), Ann Marie (Clint), Marty (Kristy), Jason (Emilie), Michael (Dayna), Kayla (James), Christine (Patrick), Julie (Ryan) and many great-grandchildren. His sisters Evelyn and Barbara Ann along with his nieces, nephews and other close family and friends.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart Foundation and Diabetes Association would be appreciated.

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10 messages received

Jean and all the family

Sorry to hear about the passing of Ross. Have fond memories of you both from the Wales Home. All the best to the family.

Lisa Fowler and Mike Shelden

Lisa Fowler, February 24, 2021

Jean and the family

Your husband was a lovely sweet man. He always took the time to chat awhile, or give you a wave from his car. From the pictures that have been posted, he seemed to love and cherish his children and grandchildren. His will be missed. He will be welcomed in heaven by many that passed before him. My sympathies to you all.

Daphne Dykeman, February 24, 2021

The Family of Ross

Our Sympathies to the Family

Barry & Daphne Horan, February 24, 2021

Jean and all your family

Jean, I am very sorry to hear that Ross passed away.
I have many memories of Ross since I worked at the Wales Home as well, I know he was a kind gentleman and loved to visit.
He will be missed by all who knew him.
Thinking of you all at this difficult time.

Anne (Nixon) Knowles, February 24, 2021

Aunt Jean and family

so sorry to hear of uncle Ross’s passing he was such a kind man to everyone he came in contact with he will be welcomed with open arms in heaven and surely Eddie will be there to welcome him he will be your gardien angel now, courage Aunt Jean hugs

Diane Vigneault, February 24, 2021

All the family

My sincere sympathy to you all.

Vern Doyle, February 25, 2021


Our deepest sympathies to ALL the Family.

Ron. & Bev. Jones, February 26, 2021

Jean, Darleen, Eric & families

Our condolences on the passing of Ross. He was a great person. Always enjoyed our visits when we met. He will be missed by many. Rest In Peace Ross.

Dale & Jane Carson, February 27, 2021

Jean and family

Our sympathy to you and the family.

Bob and Shirley-Ann McVety, March 1, 2021

Jean Davidson and family.

Sympathies to Jean and families. I have fond memories of Ross and Jean at the Wales Home. they always had a smile and kind word!

Wendy French, March 9, 2021

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